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Priest hears Confession These Last Days News - February 1, 2017

Confession is a Most Vital Sacrament in this Age of Mass Sin and Grievous Error...

"The young children must be taken by their parents to the temples--the Houses of My Son--throughout your world. They must learn by habit a good example of cleansing of their soul by confession. The good priests of earth, those who have been dedicated and received this consecration from My Son, must take these tender souls and nurture them in their Faith." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 20, 1975

The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more

Veneremurcernui.Wordpress.com reported on January 30, 2017:

Now, everyone’s definition of good is relative.  My definition of a good priest in these days starts with offering the TLM, or at least the Novus Ordo in Latin, or having serious aspirations to do either but being frustrated by episcopal obstinance/malfeasance.  Frankly, a handful of exceptions aside, all the extraordinary priests I know are members of explicitly traditional orders.

Taking Confession extremely seriously is requirement #2.  This is what separates the men from the boys in my mind.  Confession is the great ignored, even inconvenient Sacrament of our time.  It is inconvenient because it is a standing rebuke to much of the new theology and ecclesiology that has been imposed on the Church in the past several decades, beliefs that say that whether one is Catholic or not doesn’t count for much, that basically all men are saved, that virtually no one ever commits a mortal sin, etc.  These kinds of beliefs are the primary reason why Confession is so little available.

There used to be a sort of rule of thumb in the Church, back in those dark unreconstructed manualist days before the “sainted” Council, that for every hour of Mass, there should be at least an equal number of hours of Confession.  In fact, most pre-conciliar parishes had priests (plural) in the Confessional before, during, and after virtually every Mass, along with other set times.  This was when the Church, and the souls within, took things like sin and Grace and damnation and redemption very seriously.

But today, in this Diocese as in almost every other, Confession is limited to perhaps an hour a week, if one is lucky, or “by appointment only,” if one is not.  This in spite of the fact that our former Bishop, now Cardinal, Kevin Farrell, repeatedly (and a bit uncharacteristically) exhorted his priests and especially pastors to have more REGULAR hours of Confession.  Many pastors responded to these exhortations, by adding one more hour weekly to the one they already had (such generosity!), while some did not. A few relative heroes did even more, adding maybe 2 or 3 hours more Confession, and staffing those hours with more than one priest.

In the dearth of Confession, the tyranny is in the numbers.  If there is only one priest hearing confessions for one hour a week, and each soul has only 3 minutes with the confessor and there are no gaps in people in the confessional, that one priest can hear 20 confessions a week or 1040  a year.  That may sound like quite a lot, but when you have numerous parishes with 7,000, 8,000, 10,000 souls ostensibly belonging, one can instantly see the problem.  Of course, the reality is different.  What tends to happen is that the same handful of relatively serious souls go to Confession with at least some regularity, while the great mass never go at all.

Couple this with what is known of Catholic belief, even among self-described regular Mass attendees, and the crisis grows into stark relief.  The vast majority of Catholics, regular Mass-goers or not, find nothing immoral in contraceptive use or fornication.  A near majority even think abortion is morally permissible in at least some cases. The large majority are fine with pseudo-sodo-marriage and think divorce and remarriage are perfectly acceptable.  The vast majority believe the Blessed Sacrament to be nothing more than a symbol.  The former, if engaged in personally, constitute grave sins requiring sacramental Confession before the Blessed Sacrament is received (recent emanations from Rome notwithstanding).  The latter places one outside the community of the faithful; reception of the Blessed Sacrament in this state constitutes the horrible sin of sacrilege and again immediate recourse to Confession is vitally necessary.

Taken together, what we have in the Church today is a great mass of people regularly receiving the Blessed Sacrament in a state that St. Paul decried perfectly in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 (a bit of Scripture infamously and deliberately excluded from the readings of the Novus Ordo Mass), and with little to no means to correct this dire condition.  Adding to that, the very lack of Confession time communicates to the faithful that this is something that isn’t to be taken very seriously.  Writ large, this is very close to what Pope Saint John Paul II decried as the “fundamental option,” the idea that God is infinitely loving (and apparently no longer just) and that virtually no one, if anyone (short of evil right wingers like me) is damned.  That this is utterly contrary to our Blessed Lord’s clear Word as revealed repeatedly in Sacred Scripture and the guidance of vast numbers of Saints and Fathers seems to count for very little these days.  Confession remains generally  unavailable.

Not only that, but we have numerous warnings from the Blessed Mother and many of these same Saints about the number of souls condemned to hell.  While such warnings are widely viewed as quaint relics from a benighted age to most priests and prelates in the Church today, they have been so numerous, so consistent, and so emphatic that to doubt or deny them is a fool’s errand. I certainly do not.  I take these warnings deadly seriously, as I take the biblical types that reveal to us the very small number of the elect, and the great number of the damned.

So, yes, I take Confession very seriously, and its lack of availability as one of the greatest scandals afflicting the Church today.  In fact, lack of Confession and unwillingness to take its vital necessity seriously constitute very large elements of the present crisis in the Faith.  Thus, the great number of souls falling to hell like so many snowflakes, to quote Our Lady of Fatima.

"My child, make it known to mankind that penance and confession is a private communication between the confessor, the penitent, and God." - Our Lady of the Roses, December 7, 1976

EDITOR'S NOTE:  We welcome your comments at the end of this page.  Email a link or print out a copy of this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives.  Email this page to a friend.

 Wars are a punishment for man's sins.  Abortion, homosexuality, and the changes in the Catholic Church cry out to Heaven for just punishment. 
    When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have Our Lady's hand in your hand.  When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have the power of God in your hands.  Start now!  Let's All Pray the Rosary Together Around the World for a Return to the Sacraments...
 Click here...

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We strongly encourage you to print and/or email copies of this web page to all the bishops and clergy.  Also, email or mail a copy of this web page to the news media and as many other people as possible.     Email a copy of this page to everyone you know.

 The Virgin Mary's Bayside Prophecy Books are Now Available in E-book Version.  Click Here Now!

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Our Lady of the Roses awesome Bayside Prophecies... http://www.tldm.org/../Bayside/
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.

"You still have time to make restitution and atonement to save your children. You must bring them back to the Sacraments. You must be an example of modesty and true faith to them. Children will learn much by your example." 
- St. Anne, July 25, 1973

"When a man has stepped over the threshold and allowed himself to fall into mortal sin, he must be purified by trial, but he must also, My children, be purified by the rule of penance and confession. What manner of evil is being set now upon mankind that compels him to lose his soul by rejecting the Sacraments, by no longer confessing to his confessor, but coming to receive My Son in sacrifice, while his soul is degraded by sin of mortal nature!" -
Our Lady, September 7, 1976

"A priest is a man of God, chosen solely from the world to be a representative of the Son of God . . . . As a man of God, he brings to you the Body and Blood of your Savior." -
St. Theresa, October 2, 1975

"Do not make a mockery of the Sacraments in My Son's House. Do not blaspheme in My Son's House. My children, you will bring the wrath of God upon you." -
Our Lady, December 7, 1976

"Each day of your life must begin with prayer and end with prayer. Accept all of the graces that are given to you freely. Do not reject the means given to you through your Sacraments." -
Jesus, February 10, 1977

"My children, you have been given armor. I have repeated over and over and admonished you to wear the sacramentals for a reason. You are fighting a war now with the unseen, the supernatural. In the plan from Heaven there are Sacraments and sacramentals that can offset the evil and protect you and your loved ones from this evil." -
Our Lady, November 21, 1977

"My children, many are turning from your Sacraments--searching for a new world, a world that is abounding with the word love, love! but who knows the true meaning of the word love? How many are willing to sacrifice for this love? How many are willing to starve themselves of their worldly desires, for this love? How many would be willing to give their lives for this love?" -
Our Lady, June 15, 1974

"Return to the graces of your Sacraments and Holy Church, or condemn yourselves to eternity with Lucifer! Consecrate your home with the Holy Spirit. Use the waters of life to chase the demons from within your homes." -
St. Joachim, July 25, 1973

"You still have time to make restitution and atonement to save your children. You must bring them back to the Sacraments. You must be an example of modesty and true faith to them. Children will learn much by your example." -
St. Anne, July 25, 1973

"My children, in your baptism upon earth you have received the road, you have received the keys to the Kingdom. But you do not recognize your priceless heritage, and you cast it aside for a few short years upon earth, gathering the world's treasures and power to yourselves. For what? Each and every one of you with leave upon earth with what you came in with--nothing! Nothing but the merits that you have stored to ransom your soul from purgatory. Nothing but the merits you have gathered to allow you to enter the Eternal Kingdom of happiness and light." - Jesus, December 7, 1978

"When a man has given himself, and chosen from out of the world as a priest of his God, he will be a priest for life." -
Our Lady, March 18, 1973

"My child, you have been much concerned about the dissolvement of many marriages in your country. It is truly a sad happening among mankind, My child, for it is the hand of Satan reaching in and capturing the souls of many. What God has joined together in holy Matrimony, let no man place asunder. The liberal attitudes now prevalent in My Son's House bring many tears to Our hearts, for they will lead many souls onto the road to hell.
    "Accept your cross, My children, as you struggle through life with your spouse. When you are united in the holy bond of Matrimony, you are responsible for the soul of your spouse. Unto death shall you part and only unto death will you part.
    "Many of Our children have entered onto the wide road to hell and purgatory. And why? Because too few pray for them and they have now fallen into line with many false teachers.
    "When a union in Matrimony is blessed by My Son through a legitimate, legally ordained priest, His representative, no man shall take it upon himself for worldly gain, money, prestige and power to break the tie that has bound them together by Heaven!" -
Our Lady, May 15, 1976

"I do not, at this time, intend to point out any individual, but My voice goes out to you, as My Mother; you know if you are guilty of any sins against the Sacraments.
    "There are seven Sacraments commanded of you by Heaven, My children, and you will keep them. You shall not take them apart by using rationality, and modernism, and humanism. This cannot be." -
Jesus, June 18, 1987

"You must not reject the Sacraments in My Church; you must not reject the teachings for new modes of modernism and socialism." -
Jesus, June 2, 1979

"Prayer, and prayer alone, with the graces gained in sacramentals and Sacraments will be your fortification against the agents of hell now loosed in great number upon your earth." -
Jesus, March 24, 1973

"Through countless years upon your earth, I have cried out in warning to you. O My children, keep your sacramentals about you. Accept and do not reject the Sacraments of My Son's House: Baptism, Confirmation, the Holy Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, and Matrimony. And Matrimony, My children-you reject the natural laws of your God. You are substituting a pagan way of life!" -
Our Lady, November 1, 1976

"All who have been chosen by the Father to be given the grace of baptism shall have--from that day forward--a covenant with the Lord." -
Our Lady, June 15, 1974

"The young children must be taken by their parents to the temples-the Houses of My Son-throughout your world. They must learn by habit a good example of cleansing of their soul by confession. The good priests of earth, those who have been dedicated and received this consecration from My Son, must take these tender souls and nurture them in their Faith." -
Our Lady, November 20, 1975

"Know, My child, that the heart of the sacrifice is in what you call the Eucharist. You will eat of My Body and drink of My Flesh or you will not have the light within you. You will not have the light within you, but will fall into darkness if you do not eat of My Body and drink of My Flesh." -
Jesus, May 22, 1974

"My child, make it known to mankind that penance and confession is a private communication between the confessor, the penitent, and God." -
Our Lady, December 7, 1976

Directives from Heaven... http://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

D28 - Hell  PDF Logo PDF
D29 - Purgatory  PDF Logo PDF
D81 - Faith  PDF Logo PDF
D82 - Sacraments  PDF Logo PDF
D83 - Hope  PDF Logo PDF
D84 - Commandments  PDF Logo PDF
D85 - Tradition  PDF Logo PDF
D89 - Sin  PDF Logo PDF
D90 - Truth  PDF Logo PDF
D91 - Grace  PDF Logo PDF
D92 - Free will  PDF Logo PDF

EDITOR'S COMMENT:  Evil is accelerating and the Anti-Christ forces are gaining power in the world.  When the persecution starts, all Christian web sites on the internet will be forced to close.  Be sure to have in your possession all the following items: the Bayside Prophecy books, Bayside Medals, Douay-Rheims Bibles, the Protection Packets, Candles, Sacramentals, and Religious Books.  Purchase these items now while they are still available!  You will urgently need them in the days ahead.  Also, you can print out all PDF files for the Directives from Heaven and all of the Bayside Prophecies.  Copy Our Lady's messages and the Directives from Heaven now while they are still available!  Pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance on how to prepare now and for the days ahead when the Antichrist is revealed.  Viva Cristo Rey!


God's great gift of Confession

Crucifix on front and back door...  The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84)
(Testimonies of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.)  http://www.tldm.org/news/crucifix.htm 

Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, and a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $10.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $13.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15  (Order Form)

Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet . . .
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5  (Order Form)

    Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers promises to help protect our children. On September 13, 1977, She said, "He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power; so wear your sacramentals, and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons."
    On February 1, 1974, Our Lady said, "My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors."
    This Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. You may use your MasterCard, VISA, or American Express and call 1-616-698-6448.  Item # P5
(Order Form)

The Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies book . . . 
The six volumes have all of Our Lady’s Bayside messages from 1970 through 1994. Some of these have never been published before.  This is a type of a survival book.  It tells what is coming and how to prepare for it spiritually and materially. It is a must book for the days ahead.  This is a great way to spread Our Lady’s messages to our family, friends and relatives.  (Order Form)

Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book . . .
We have researched the Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada and put these outstanding prophecies in a 360 page pocket size paperback book.   Veronica said it was very good.  It tells what is going to happen here and how to prepare for it.  Every North American must read this book!  Item #B2 Cost $5.00 (Order Form)

Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975

A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation.  For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters.  Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976

The sin of omission...  "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy.  I repeat:  not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell."  Our Lady of the Roses,  October 6, 1980

My gift to help spread Our Lady of the Roses' messages to the world.


We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy.  Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.

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