Personal Testimonies #106 - 114

May 1, 1990
Dear Veronica and helpers,
Our family had a blessing on Easter, the father, after 23 years went to confession with the two teenage sons and now Mass and Communion every Sunday. 
We have written to you before and have had our letters put under the area at the vigils where Our Lady stands--I too--truly believe She asked Jesus to try to save their souls--It is so good to have them next to me at Mass.
May I ask for your prayers again for our family. We still have more souls to save--many alcoholics in our family and a homosexual son who has gone also into alcohol.
Our mother-in-law who has partial paralysis from a stroke is also to be prayed for.
Love to all who are helpers there to us--& the world,

from Chardon, Ohio

October 12, 1990
Dear Veronica,
     I remember you in Mass. I try to go every day. I can't do very much in promoting Bayside as the Bishop of Antigonish who resigned a couple of years ago told all the priests and school children and parishioners not to believe. I leave on a large table in front of church every other day a lot of pamphlets etc. and it all goes. I have mailed out quite a bit to prominent clergy, retired homes for priests, convents, universities. A lot believe, but can't say anything, a lot go along with every change. I can't understand if the Holy Spirit is in them they can't see how wrong it is. Before I ever heard of Bayside something inside of me would say no no no.
     Ten years ago my sister who was a sister and gone along with the changes did not wear the habit went to Berkeley College in U.S.A. and took theology. I showed her the Blue Book and she thumbed through it and said she did not believe. Three years later she got sick and died. While in her coffin I asked her to send me a sign if she believed. Three days after I returned home from [the] wake she appeared to me in the night while I was asleep bent over and touched me. She was all in white and I know she is in Heaven. . . .   

October 28, 1990
Dear Veronica,
     I pray this letter finds you well and recovering from your recent illness.  You are remembered in my petitions and Rosaries for healing.
     I am writing this letter as a testimony of the miraculous healing that Jesus and Our Lady of the Roses have performed for my 80 year old aunt.  I can't help but feel that this is just the beginning, for the work that the Lord begins, never goes unfinished.
     About four years ago I heard about the apparitions at Bayside, and although I am a Roman Catholic, I did not at that time, entirely believe in them or receive information about them with any great enthusiasm.  I even kidded about them to a friend.  I neglected to mention that prior to this I had not always been going to Mass and the sacraments as I should have been doing.
     Then one day as I was praying I turned my life over to God and asked that He let me know and do His will.  He did not disappoint me, since after that He gave me the grace to pray with increased devotion and attend Mass and the sacraments regularly.
     Some time later, (about a year or so) when I had forgotten my friend had told me about the apparitions at Bayside, I received a pamphlet in the mail advertising mystic and religious happenings.  One thing led to another and before long I wrote Our Lady's Worker for further information and video cassettes.  After I received the vigil calendar I went to the Vatican Pavilion site and prayed the Rosary.  This was just the beginning of one of the many times that I was to return to pray.  In many of my visits I have also been fortunate to receive religious miraculous photographs and upon one occasion carried the statue of the Blessed Mother in procession.
     At one of the Vigils I remember leaving a list of long petitions for healing and special help for the aging and ailing members of my family, and for myself.  Some time after this I convinced my 80 year old aunt, (who is in charge of a younger mentally retarded sister as well as her mentally retarded sister) and my mother to come to one of the vigils.  This elderly aunt had been given a Rosary that was originally silver in color) by a friend who had returned from Italy.  After another visit to Bayside this aunt, who has glaucoma, was discovered to have breast cancer which had spread to her liver and her bones.  The doctor (an oncologist) had given her from 8 months to a year to live.  After a year of bringing her for chemotherapy (in the course of that year, I noticed that her Rosary had turned to gold).  I reminded her that this was Jesus and Our Blessed Mother's way of letting her know that she would be healed.  This past August she underwent a third battery of tests in order to see how far the cancer had progressed and it was gone--from her liver, her bones and her breast.  I praise God and honor Our Blessed Mother everyday for this great miracle by saying the Rosary daily.  I continue to tell friends and members of my family about all that has happened and feel confident that this is just the beginning of the wonderful things that God has in store for those who believe in Him and do His Will.
Gratefully acknowledging this miracle, I remain faithfully yours,

January  2, 1991
Dear Veronica,
     I am writing these few lines to say to you that I believe in everything about Our Lady of the Roses. Because she cured my son. When he was dying in the hospital, the doctors had already told me that he wouldn't make it cause he was weak from his strength and he was fighting for his life.
     That's when I asked the Lady of the Roses to give him back to me.
     And now he is recovering from his illness. He is in a wheel chair. But the Lady told me in a dream that he is going to walk again with Our Lord's help. Because he feels his legs already. I am fighting for a lawsuit or rather a settlement. I will donate money to Our Lady's Shrine when I get it. Please pray for me and my children and that I get a good job, because we are in need of prayers.

     Thank you and to Our Lady of the Roses for what she did to my son. I love her and Our Lord in heaven.

Goodbye now

from Los Angeles, California

January 12, 1991
My dear workers of Our Lady of the Roses,
     In the name of the Father, Jesus and Mary I thank you for the Rosaries, the scapulars, the crucifix with chain and the rose petals for cures, blessed by Jesus and Mary for cures.
     Kindly send some more to us, medals of Our Lady of the Roses. I am very glad to tell you, that when my son was vomiting and a deep breathing, I put the rose petal inside his pillow cover, until now it is there.
     He is now getting better with the help of Jesus and Mary of the blessed rose petal for cures.
     Another is a baby of our friends came to our house, one of her child is vomiting, I went to take the rose petal for cures blessed by Jesus and Mary, before I place the rose petal in the brace of the child. I prayed 3 times Hail Mary. After a few minutes the child stop vomiting. But before I prayed 3 Hail Mary I make the sign of the cross, in the name of the Father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
     The Mother thank Jesus and Mary Our Lady of the Roses, for healing her child. I told her to pray the rosary every day. Our Lady of the Roses please help us.
     My grandson is also coughing, I put the rose petal in his brace so that the cough will be cured of all the sickness the rose petal cures us all.
     Our Lady, we ask your guiding hand. We pledge our love and offer to you and Jesus our rosary every day, to help us if we pray to you, to banish war and fear. Our Lady, won't you show to us the right and shining way. We give our love and offer to you, our rosary everyday.
     We pray the rosary every day for peace and not war. Jesus and Mary forgive our sins and make peace on the nations who are at war.
Devotion from your sister in Jesus and Mary,

from Long Beach, California

January 4th,1991
Our Lady of the Roses Shrine,
     Thank you for the information you sent - it has been such a comfort in these war filled times.
     We have a handicapped lady in our apartment building who has been helped by the rose petal blessed by Our Lady. Please send as many rose petals and information booklets as you can.
     This is a message which must be shared. Send more information quickly of continued messages from Our Lady.

Love in Christ,

from Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania

January 7,1991
Dear worker of Our Lady,
     I have been very interested in Veronica since the very beginning when I read an article in the Daily News about the events in Bayside. Over the years I have continued to read the happenings that took place. Very few people were interested even my own family. To try to instruct people about the destruction that is coming is a losing battle and it is very sad indeed. The Church has instructed their Catholics very well. You cannot penetrate the wall. They will not listen. I know this is what we come up against and it is unfortunate. God bless your patience and fortitude.

from Brooklyn, New York

January 14,1991
     About a week ago I opened up the letter that I received from you all explaining about Our Lords apparition to Veronica Lueken.
     Well I read that pamphlet explaining Mary and Jesus talking to her about your country the United States of America booklet. As I read through this little booklet, I said how true that is, and what did I do but misplaced that booklet about Jesus saying about the Church and I would like to know if you could send me an other one please, as I found that very interesting to read and also I would like to take it down to my parish and let Father read it, if any charge please tell me. I have two papers entitled " Roses the message of Our Lady and Our Lord to Veronica Lueken."
     That booklet really explains quite a bit about the Church...
Peace be with you,

from Whiteville, North Carolina

January 19,1991
To Our Lady of Roses Shrine,
     I had witnessed a great miracle our Lady and Jesus had done, and it happened in our home.
     Last January 8, 1991, my child [1 year old] have a high fever, he is very hot, his eyes was teary and red, he cannot eat, he cannot drink even a little bit, his mouth is opened and he's letting his saliva flow, yes, he cannot even swallow his saliva, his mouth smells unpleasant. It is a tonsillitis, his tonsils are swelling w/ two big pus. When the night comes His fever go higher, that night my husband go to his work and he leave me the rose petal blessed by Our Lady and Jesus. That is exactly 9 o'clock in the evening. I put this immediately into my child's head, I offered a prayer, Our father and 3 hail Mary and in the last one prayers I said, 'In the name of Our Lord Jesus and Our Lady, Virgin Mary my child will be cured.' Just 20 minutes passed, great miracle was done, my child fever was gone.
     Early in the morning of January 9,1991  4 o'clock A.M. he is crying asking for food. I give him a hard boiled egg and he finished two eggs, and he asked for milk. At lunch, I give him a plate of rice and a piece of meat, he even eat this all. Even our neighbors here wonders why he can eat like that if he had tonsillitis. And he is already playing as if he did not encounter any sickness and why his fever gone so fast. Even my husband says it is a miracle. The next morning his swollen tonsil and the pus was no more to be seen, it is already gone, and take note my child doesn't take any medicine. I give him nothing. So why, he recovers so fast in just a matter of minutes?
     I pray again and again to thank Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus. I feel how much Our Lord loves me, that's why I'm teaching my children to love and pray much much more to God.
     Can I ask some information, what is the latest message of our Lady now? That's all and thank you.                                                                               

from La Loma, Quezon City, PHILIPPINES 


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