Personal Testimonies #244 - 253

January 12, 1974
Dearest Veronica,
     Nearly a year ago I wrote to you while in distress about not being able to bear children. I asked your prayers to Our Lady of the Roses. On Tuesday, at 12:42 p.m., I gave birth to our son, Donald James. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces. We are so happy and so thankful, especially to Our Lady of the Roses, and you, Veronica, for your prayers.

from Ohio

September 29, 1977
Dear Veronica,
     First of all, I want to introduce myself as to whom I am. Once a former New Yorker, I moved out to Canada about ten years ago. I was never aware before of Our Lady's Apparitions in Bayside, N.Y. until June 1976. Prior to this I never paid attention to the Catholic Faith; as a matter of fact, I was going downhill all the way.
     Life was a constant turmoil to me. Through the prayers of my wife and others, I came across a few Bayside papers which my mother-in-law brought me. Wanting to believe in the true doctrine of the Church badly, but through my own fault and other beings misguiding, I did not know what to believe. My first impulse was to go to Bayside, N.Y.C. and find out for myself what was going on there. I also want to mention that I did not believe in Mother Mary before, because of the way I was brought up. But I was to find out soon enough.
     So, skeptical, I went for the first time on a pilgrim tour to Bayside! For the first time of my life I was reciting the Rosary and other prayers with others. It was not until the Vigil hour when you announced Our Lady's presence that I finally got my eyes opened. I felt this great sorrow in my heart and pain for not believing in the Queen of Heaven. Tears were rolling down my cheek and I just could not stop myself from crying. At the same time, I saw millions of light particles blue and white, flashing across the clear night sky. I also felt this tingling mist fall upon my face and hands. I also felt so peaceful within my soul, as I have never felt before.
     I could not stop crying for a few days whenever I thought about what had happened to me at the apparition. I thank God for Our Lady's intercession on my behalf and the graces She has bestowed on me and my family. With Mother Mary's help I finally feel protected and loved, and realize the reparation we owe Jesus and Mary for the sins we and the whole world are committing daily.
     I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health, and may you continue with God's help in your work for Mother Mary. God bless and keep you.

from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dear Veronica,
     My 10 year old daughter, Kelly, was stricken with a severe respiratory illness in the latter part of 1978. She was hospitalized with severe lung blockage and pneumonia, complicated by what the doctors called abnormal tissue ring around her trachea. All medical efforts to help her proved fruitless: her condition deteriorated and she was close to death. Her medical doctors recommended surgery as a last resort.
     Through a friend, I received and applied to my daughter miraculous water, a rose petal and a medal of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary, Help of Mothers, from Bayside, New York. Within a week the change in Kelly's condition was remarkable.
     We took her from her home state of Virginia to the National Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C., for surgical consultation and testing, all of which proved negative. X-rays failed to disclose any tissue ring whatsoever, even though they had been most in evidence on X-rays taken in the hospital at home.
     I sincerely believe and attribute this cure to the direct and merciful intervention of Our Lady of the Roses at Bayside. We begged her in our prayer, and Our Lady responded. Kelly is in just about perfect health today!

from Annandale, Virginia

July 17, 1981
Dear Veronica,
     After reading of your Bayside vigils, I asked to be put on your mailing list. After reading about the miraculous rose petal and medal, I sent away for it.
     My little boy Mark, who is 11 years old, had almost no skin on his five toes. He has eczema very bad, and all the medication used did not help him at all. He would sleep with his socks on at night because he was ashamed of his feet.
     After receiving the miraculous rose petal and rubbing it on his feet, there was a difference in one day. After three days his feet looked so beautiful. They were no longer raw-looking. He had new skin on his feet.
     I thank you and the Holy Mother for that. I truly had so much faith in the miraculous rose petal. Thank you again, and thank you for putting me on your mailing list.
     May the Holy Mother always be with you.

from Stamford, Connecticut

February 12, 1981
Dear Veronica,
     You should know that in the last fourteen or so years I kept falling further away from the Church, going to Mass only occasionally.
     In order to stop a relative from "hounding" me, I finally agreed to visit the shrine. At the time, I didn't know what the feast day was, and I never liked to say the Rosary, only joining in, reluctantly, at family wakes.
     On the vigil of the Sacred Heart, June 1980, I first visited the grounds "just to get it over with." But as I joined in the Rosary I can't describe the feeling that again came alive within me that night--like in the innocence of my youth--and a love... my love that I felt for the Blessed Mother and Her Divine Son.... I felt so like a little child.
     My life now is different. I look forward to going to Mass and Communion as often as I can. And the Rosary--well, to say the Rosary is like my singing a song with my heart.
     There are ever so many times when while praying I suddenly smell roses, and I love it! No longer am I embarrassed to have religious statues in and about my home. I realize how empty my home was. I so look forward to the vigils.
     I might also add that after attending several vigils, my youngest sister, after ten years away from the Church, has gone to confession and returned to church and the sacraments.

from Eatontown, New Jersey

November 8, 1979
Dear Veronica,
     We first heard about Veronica and Bayside in March of this year. I did something I have never done before--I read through the religious section of our paper (Catholics don't advertise, so why read it? If you want Catholic news, buy the Register I always thought.) But for some reason I did and my eyes fell on the announcement about Bayside. Thanks to Our Lady I believed right away along with 3 of our daughters. The fourth and oldest was skeptical. I thought, "I'll fix you." So I prayed to the Holy Spirit and Our Lady and by the end of the week she was a confirmed believer.
     Let me tell you what Our Lady of the Roses has done for us:
1) She has turned a non-practicing Catholic--me--into a daily communicant.
2) Our not-too-good Catholic daughters into devout ones who receive daily Communion when their schedule permits.
3) When we read about WICCA and rock 'n' roll, the girls without my asking them threw out about $300.00 worth of records, books, etc. (not only threw them out but broke them up so garbage men would not take them home to their children).
4) The girls, ranging in age from 19 to 15 have given up going to the school dances and will simply not wear long pants of any kind. They dress very "Mary-like."
     Would you please ask Veronica to ask Our Lady to give my non-Catholic husband the grace necessary to convert?
Sincerely yours,

from Toronto, Ontario

August 26, 1983
Dear Veronica,
     Please tell Jesus and Mary that I thank them with all my heart for curing me of cancer. I believed with all my heart and wanted that cure so badly.
     I would like the following to be a testimonial of what happened to me. About five years ago, I was told by my doctor that I had cancer of the right breast, and so I had it removed. Later, he told me that I still had it. So I went through chemotherapy, because that was all they could do for me.
     Earlier this year, I saw an article in the Buffalo Evening News about Our Lady of the Roses Shrine, Mary Help of Mothers, Veronica Lueken, and the Bayside pilgrimages. There was also a Buffalo-based phone number I could call if I was interested.
     I was interested indeed, with all these years of suffering. I wanted so much to be cured that I called and asked questions. But with my illness and pain I couldn't go on the pilgrimages. So I wrote a letter and they placed it as a petition at the shrine on my behalf. Sometime in April, I received a newsletter and two rose petals. I had my friend, Bev, pin a rose petal on the inside, on the right side of my blouse. On August 8th, I received a letter saying that my petition to be cured had been placed at the vigil.
     I went to my regular doctor to find out the results of my semi-annual cancer check-up. He told me that it was a miracle! I was cured! My doctor said that he will testify for me. He also said that I have one more year of check-ups, and that I should keep saying my prayers and not backslide. 
     I won't. I'll keep going to confession, Sunday Mass, and continue saying my rosary.
Thank you and bless you in all your work,

from Buffalo, New York

August 10, 1982
Dear Veronica,
     A few months back, I sent my petition to be put on the altar of Our Lady of the Roses Shrine, and I requested some rose petals, medals and rosaries.
     On the 26th of September, I received a thick packet containing plenty of literature about the happenings at the Shrine, and a shower of rose petals blessed by Jesus, and rosaries and medals as well, with a letter from "Our Lady's worker." I thank you with all my heart for the wonderful gift so generously sent.
     Ever since I received this packet, I have been distributing the papers and sacramentals to all those who come to see me, as I am an invalid myself, confined to my room. I wish to write of one striking incident of conversion.
     A father of six children, who is a teacher, had taken to bad drinking habits during the past five or six years. As soon as he got his pay every month, he would spend it in drinking, and paying the debts of the previous months. He had no sense of responsibility whatsoever. I gave a rose petal and Our Lady's medal to his daughter. She gave them to him, and from that time onwards there was a definite change in him. He has given up his drinking habit completely, and is now a very responsible head of the family. His wife and children are very grateful to Jesus and Our Blessed Mother. They can hardly believe this wonderful change in him.
In union of prayers and sufferings, 
yours sincerely,

from Pondicherry, India

August 1983
Dear Veronica and workers of Our Lady of Roses,
     A month ago, my family and I went to Bayside. We made the pilgrimage to honor Our Lady and Her beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus.
    As we prayed the Rosary at Bayside, and the red light flashed, indicating the presence of Our Lord, I offered Him the terrible pain in my left shoulder blade for the poor souls in Purgatory. My pain left me at that very moment.
     I have had rheumatism since 1942.
     My family and I are grateful for the privilege of being on yours and Heaven's side.
I pray for Veronica and you all,

Bro. A.S.
from Wilmington, North Carolina

October 6, 1981
Dear Veronica,
     I had a cataract on both eyes. With the help of Jesus and Our Lady, through the rose petals, I was cured. No further operations will be needed, thanks to the rose petals you sent me.
Sincerely yours,

from Manila, Philippines

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