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#149 - Satanism, Part 1

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? How art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations? And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars....  I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High." - Isaias 14:12-14

"Remember there was the time when it was necessary to cast Luciel and his followers from Heaven—Lucifer, who now goads you on to hell with him, upon earth. He had to be cast from Heaven because he, too, became prideful and arrogant, seeking to make himself another living god. This cannot be done. You cannot be above your Creator." Jesus, September 7, 1978

"Satan, the evils of satanism, only appear when sin has become a way of life, and the evil has brought an immense blanket of darkness to an area. 666, satan in human form, is wherever darkness is. He is the prince of darkness, the father of all liars, the master of deceit. And I say, My children, the master of deceit, for he is cunning beyond all human understanding." Our Lady, November 21, 1977

"There are many nations now that promote the greatest of sacrileges. Through their medias and their permissiveness, they have brought forth satanism—the worship of satan, the adversary, to the debauchery of young children." Our Lady, March 18, 1983

Our Lady - "The agents of hell have gathered now. The satanism is accelerating, My child. You must all pray and act upon this knowledge that among you are those who are practicing the worship of satan. They have even become so imbued with the spirit of evilness that they murder in sacrifice another human being."
Veronica - Oh.
Our Lady - "Yes, My child, look upon the scene before you."
Veronica - Oh, I see what looks like a cave. I don't think that this is in the United States. I get the impression it's a cave similar to the ones that I saw—the one I saw when Jesus was being crucified, and they were scourging Him at the pillar in a cave, like built out of a hill.
     I see a lot of people gathered there. Now I would say about fifteen, or maybe seventeen, I'm count . . . no, thirteen, there are thirteen people. Now they're all standing in a circle. And in the middle of that circle is a man. He's dressed with horns on his head, like satan, and he has a black cape which is red inside. And he's turning about and he's holding a spear in his hand. It has three prongs on it. And he's dipping these prongs now into a boiling big kettle. I believe it's water boiling, he's heating up. And now he's placing—after putting water, he dips his fork, this big fork, into the water, and then places it on top of the hot coals, and they sizzle. [Veronica gasps.] And now he's going over, and there's a man tied, just like Jesus was, to a post. [Veronica gasps again.] And he's taking this horrible, horrible thing in his hand and he's burning the skin of the man. I can hear his screams; the man is screaming. He's burning the prongs of the pitchfork on the man's back.
     Now Our Lady knows that I am getting dreadfully ill. It's a horrible sight. Now—oh! Now one of the—there's a woman there; she—her eyes are glassy, like she's drugged or something—now she's going over to the man and she's taking a—it's a long knife, like a hunting knife, and cutting him in his back. And then—oh, my . . . oh, no! Then there's another woman—they're all dressed in black capes with red on the interior—there's another woman, she's going over, and—oh, no! They—she has—oh, she has a chalice in her hands and she's placing it underneath the drops of blood that are coming out of the gash she's made in the man's back. And they're all laughing, like they're hysterically insane. They're all laughing.
     And now the woman is coming over and she's passing—it's a chalice, oh, it's a chalice, but she's passing it among them all and they're drinking the man's blood. Oh! March 18, 1983

"My child, the great delusion in your world today is the darkness of spirit created by talk leading to evils of humanism, modernism, and the worst of all evils, satanism. The evil, My child, is so great that man has set himself up as an idol." Our Lady, November 23, 1974

"I wish that all parents who hear My voice tonight be alerted to the fact that there are over 10,000, now, cults in the United States and Canada alone. Many children have been slain by them in sacrifice to satan. Is this what you want, My children?
     "Parents, keep a close watch on your children. Be sure that they do not leave your home without your knowing where they are going, for many will not return." Our Lady, June 17, 1989

"Understand that Lucifer is walking the earth now, Lucifer who has great knowledge. He has intention for conversions to satanism. He is entering into the highest places of the hierarchy." Jesus, September 28, 1978

"In the Commandments of your God you will remember: 'I,' said the Lord, 'I am your God; thou shalt not have strange gods before you.'  And who are these strange gods of masonry and witchcraft? Isis! My children, man has accepted gods of nature! Pagans you have become! You reject your God the Father; you reject the Trinity; and you have dabbled and burned your fingers in the unknown, the darkness of satanism." - Our Lady, November 1, 1977

"My child and My children, need I repeat to you all of the abominations being committed upon the earth now? I can also repeat to you that in some of these horrible, excruciatingly painful cults that are growing up fast in your country and other countries about the world, they have even gone so far as to dab now in cannibalism, the eating of human flesh as a sacrifice to satan. That is why, My children, so many cannot be found who are missing-mostly, My children, young children. Mothers have cried, their hearts torn with anguish when their children disappear from the streets. Your police do not investigate fully. Sending out photographs of the missing children, this is of little help when they fall into the clutches of the satanists, for they do not remain about long. Their bodies are often cremated on pyres to satan." Jesus, November 1, 1985

"Already, because too few listened to and acted upon My counsel in the past, already, My children, your nation is covered now by secret societies and churches of satan, being founded by the master of deceit and the father of all liars, the prince of darkness, satan.
     "My children, I do not have to explain to you the evils that he will create and manifest through your children and all those who have given themselves to seeking the occult, whether it be, My children, in the homes or in the classrooms of your nation, your schools. Satan has planned his role well. It has taken many earth-years for him to reach this point, My child.
     "You understand that the knowledge of the supernatural has been stilled and has been rejected among mankind. The knowledge of the supernatural has now been placed in the minds of man as a myth to be laughed at and meet with derision."
Our Lady, October 1, 1977

"Satan, the prince of darkness, the master of deceit, now controls every media in your country and the countries throughout the world. As he was a murderer and liar from the beginning, so he is still a murderer and liar." Jesus, November 1, 1977

"Satan was a murderer and a liar from the beginning, and satan has been allowed upon your earth to separate the sheep from the goats. My children, he is the master of deceit. I must tell you as your Mother, that unless you remain in the state of grace, you cannot recognize him. He is a man of a thousand faces. He has great power: he can throw his voice, My children, into animals and even into the air. Unless you give your children a firm foundation in knowledge of their Faith, they will fall to his subtleties, My children.
     "You will pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes and in your world, and pray for those who are falling fast into hell, victims of the cruelty of satan, victims of the deceit of the prince of darkness. He is a murderer from the beginning, and he is a murderer now.
     "He has many disciples now in human form. I have begged you in the past to recognize the faces of evil about you. You must constantly, when you are out in the world, say the Exorcism given to you by the good Pope, the exorcism to the greatest defense you have against the evil now walking your earth. You will say:
     "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the divine power of God, cast into hell satan, and all evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls." Our Lady, September 7, 1977

"However, it is the will of the Eternal Father that each man be given his chance and opportunity to save his soul. No man shall enter into the abyss, the kingdom of satan, the prince of darkness, except of his own free will, for he will have led himself onto the road to satan." Jesus, October 2, 1975

"Lucifer and his armies form the massive hand of evil in the world, known as 666. As I explained to you in the past, My children, I repeat Myself to those who did not hear My previous message that 666 is the massive full gathering of demons out of hell with Lucifer as the leader. Lucifer himself, the prince of darkness, is now walking your earth. Because of reasoning that no human mind could understand, Lucifer has retained power next to the power of the Eternal Father in the Trinity. Know then how great is his power in these latter days. His mission upon earth now is to fight the Kingdom of Heaven and to destroy any chance for a soul to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He is upon earth now, Lucifer, to claim his own." Our Lady, June 10, 1978

"I stand upon the head of the serpent. My heel will crush him, but not until man and the world have been cleansed. I come as a Mediatrix of all graces, Representative through My Son in the Father." Our Lady, March 18, 1973

GENESIS  3: 15
"You will continue, My child, to bring the sheep to My oasis, the sacred grounds of grace. The wall has been set now to stop you, but no wall shall transcend the supernatural. 
     "You understand now, My child, how needless it is to set yourself to worry, for you drain your human strength. The will of the Father, the most high God in Heaven, will be done. Satan is not above the Father. He will do great battle, but I, your Mother, shall crush his head.
     "To give Me honor does not detract or take from the honor to My Son. I say this, My child, to you and My children in all humility. I, your Mother, I, too, am but an instrument of the Father in Heaven. My Son has chosen to send Me to you as a Mediatrix between your world and the world of the Father." Our Lady, December 24, 1974

Next Directive – #150 Satanism, Part 2

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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