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#672 - You are Deceived, Part 1

"Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity." - 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-11

"I ask that My Church be restored to its former glory. You are destroying it with change.
    "My children, those who in vocation have dedicated themselves to the priesthood, I ask you as your God to cast away your pride. Admit there has been error. Listen to your Vicar who stated that the smoke of satan had entered My Church. Did he have pride when he brought this knowledge to you? No! He asked for help. And what did you do? You turned away and widened the door for satan to enter!
    "You are blinded, My hierarchy. You seek to bring all into My Church, but this must be by conversion. You are allowing all manner of heretics and the antichrist forces to enter among you. You are being deceived. Awaken from your slumber.
    "A great battle is taking place now within My Church and in all corners of the earth and countries. If the evil accelerates farther, it will be necessary for divine intervention. Is this what you want, My children? Can you never learn from your past? Your nation, My children, the United States and Canada and many nations of the world--and I shall say now, most nations of the earth have given themselves over now to paganism and atheism and all manner of 'isms' that spell destruction for mankind." - Jesus, September 28, 1978

"My children, I must enlighten you on a sad fact. You shall not win converts by joining in their errors and misrepresentations. Prayer is the most powerful weapon against evil. You cannot condone a wrong; you cannot compromise your Faith. You must not join the enemies of My Son. All who do not accept Him as the Messiah, all who reject Him in His House--they are of the Antichrist!
    "There is a conspiracy of evil throughout your world, My children. This conspiracy seeks to unite all under what they call one fold and one shepherd. But they are deceived. My Son is the shepherd. He will come and set all to right in due time. But evil man has set himself up as an idol for worship. He caters now to the basic carnal nature of mankind. The cross of My Son is being bent to the left. The cross of My Son is bending, heavy under the weight of traitors!
    "There are cries of peace and brotherhood going throughout your world, My children; but there is no peace, there is no brotherhood, for the plotters are at work. They constantly arm themselves; and you, being deceived, My children of America, you disarm foolishly!
    "You must tread carefully in the days ahead, My children. Watch and pray a constant vigilance of prayer that the truth may be known to your fellow men." - Our Lady, December 6, 1975

"Many mitres are on the road now to perdition. Awaken from your slumber, O pastors; you have fallen asleep! You do not read the Book of life and love, your Bible. You have set yourselves wandering through the darkness. You are deluded, for you have accepted a new way, one evolved from humanism and modernism. It is all the deception of satan. My Son in the Eternal Father allows mankind to fast go onto the road to his own destruction, because sin has become a way of life among you.
    "My children, do not compromise your Faith. Do not join with the enemies of My Son. And I say unto you: All who know of My Son and deny that He is the Christ, they are the Antichrist. Birds of a feather will flock together. Do not become unevenly yoked. You must not gather all churches with the one true Church, for you cannot do this now. You are deceived, and you are deceiving.
    "You must not compromise your Faith. You cannot lower your standards and bring others into My Son's Church, for you bring in all manner of heresy and abominations. By your example did you gather Our sheep, and by your example now do you scatter them. I say, as your Mother: Turn back from your road, for you are on the way to perdition. Know that there has been sent upon you demons of special mission who have evolved your world on the road to full capitulation to the agents 666." - Our Lady, June 5, 1976

"The Eternal Father commands that you stop these murders at once! You will not destroy the lives of the unborn. Human life is sacred in the eyes of your God. No man has the right to destroy a life. The Father, He sends this life to you, and only He will decide when it will return back to the Kingdom.
    "Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you who cry to you of no space left for man. There is space, for My Father has a plan for every life He sends.
    "There is, My children, a fear campaign to cause confusion among you. None of these fears are based on the fear of their God. No, these fears are only built on the socializing of man, and his humanism being exploited to cover every sin, that even the mind of satan could not conceive such diabolical folly." - Our Lady, August 5, 1971

Veronica - The Sacred Species, the Host, is being used during these rituals of black mass and satanism in a most abominable way. Please, Our Lady says, do not accept the Host in your hand. Do not allow this to be done without an outcry. No man shall be worthy to accept My Son's Body.
    The priests are deceived, Our Lady said, in Her Son's House; they are deceived. They do not realize that satan has planned to dethrone them from their vocation. Little by little satan seeks to remove the priesthood.
    As a representative of Jesus, a legally-ordained priest must be the only instrument of God to bring the Body of Jesus to the multitudes. Only in a severe manner must a man--and this severe manner being the absence of a priest in the face of a death--then the priest will allow a deacon--a man, not a woman--a deacon, a man in the extremist emergency to take the Sacred Body of Jesus to a dying person. And that will be the only time.
    The books are being changed to cover the evil being perpetrated now. The young are being indoctrinated to accept changes which will take away Tradition and even doctrine. Our Lady said we must all pray a constant vigilance of prayer. It has a great power over the demons. - November 19, 1977

"There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My child, much error, confusion, and deception. The plan of those who carry on their backs the number 5 of communism is to overthrow the rule in the Eternal City, gain control in politics in a manner to control the world. They seek to overthrow Rome, these agents of hell and atheism, My child; they seek to overthrow Rome and gain control of the power of the House of My Son throughout the world. They will subvert it from within, My child.
    "There are many Judases in My Son's House now. Better that they call themselves 'reds' and be honest. There are many Judases in the houses of My Son throughout the world, and there are many who have placed their heads in the clouds. Their minds are befogged by satan, and their minds are poisoned by satan. They spread error, confusion, and lies.
    "O My children, the word has been given to you. It is a simple measure of truth that has been written within your holy Book, the Bible. There is no reasoning that is of God to change the wording and the object of the passages as laid down exactly by your Apostles, the founding Fathers of My Son's Church. O My children, open your hearts to the truth. You are being deceived by satan when you make these changes in the name of modernism and humanism." - Our Lady, October 6, 1976

"Know that My Son shall enter upon your world with the legions from Heaven, the angels and the saints. They shall descend upon your earth in force. Do not be deceived by those who walk among you claiming to be My Son, for He shall come to you in only one way--descending from the Kingdom of the heavens.
    "False christs shall walk among you, teaching error. This deception and error has entered also into My Son's houses throughout the world. Open your eyes! Take the blindness from your hearts! You have been given the truth. You will act upon it. Man in his arrogance seeks to change the word of God. He is being deceived by satan, the adversary." - Our Lady, December 28, 1974

"Man no longer is humble. He will not be on his knees before his God. Therefore, he will be forced to return to his knees!
    "My child, I perceive that you are quite upset. It is not My plan to frighten you. But, My child, what else can I say in the sight of what lies ahead for mankind? Can I tell you there will be peace, when there will be no peace? Can I tell you all will be well when the darkness of spirit covers the earth?
    "I am not One who can lie, for the father of all liars is satan. It is he who has deceived you with lies upon your earth. I bring you the truth from Heaven; but you must repent now, mend your ways, return your earth to its original state of godliness. Turn back now from satan; return to your God and make heavy penance for the many offenses against Him, for He plans great penance upon earth!" - Our Lady, October 6, 1973

"Hear me well, those in the House of God. You will stop your conversing, your leanings toward modernism, your entering with rationalization the world of satan. Turn back and get on your knees! You have been deceived by satan. He has been present at your meetings. Many with mitres are now going his road. You will also receive the fate of hell.
    "Your rank in the House of God gives you no precedence over another soul. For you will be cast aside and judged with the least for your part in the final damnation of souls entrusted in your care by the Father." - St. Peter, August 5, 1972

"Number 6--beware of the Antichrist among you--number 6! He will promote now the Third World War, the great war of destruction to mankind--a war that has never been met with a sequel upon mankind, a war of destruction so great that countries shall disappear in a fraction of a second. So great will be the power of 6 that he shall start this war!
    "The Father watches, My child. Man leads himself onto the road of his own destruction. Satan has deceived mankind and placed into his hands the means for his own destruction--not only of his soul eternal, but his human body. Many bodies will be burned, leaving bones exposed." - Our Lady, September 7, 1974

"My Mother did well to warn you not to be deceived by the stories in your news medias through your communications of the box, the satanic delusion in the box in your homes, the televisions. I assure you, My children, when My Mother warned you of this diabolical box, it was for reason. It has become the center of brainwashing for your children, and it will become the mechanical instrument for controlling your mind. At this time I will not go further into detail, but watch what your scientific man shall command to destroy his fellow man.
    "Satan has now set into the minds of mankind all of his diabolical knowledge. He will be permitted, and I say permitted, because the Eternal Father watches, He waits, and He allows for reason, but satan now has deluded many. Your world and your world leaders speak of peace and love and brotherhood, but they do not know the meaning of love or peace or brotherhood, for while their lips tell lies, their hearts prepare for war, for man has become crazed for power." - Jesus, April 2, 1977

"Yes, there is a spring upon the grounds, of waters for cure. When the time is right, the Eternal Father shall bring the waters up.
    "The enemy stands guard; the deceived children of God, My child--you must pray for them. If they receive the light be­cause of your prayers and the prayers of others, they, too, shall understand. They have not received this light because too few have prayed for them. They give themselves over to the human frailty of anger and judgment. Pray for them, and you will see a miracle." - Our Lady, February 10, 1976

"A mass hypnotism of evil abounds. Satan is loosed in all fury upon your earth. Prepare your souls and the souls of your children. I repeat, the time is growing short. You will see murders abound upon your earth, all manner of evil, far greater than man has ever experienced. You will observe this evil and know that no man could produce such defilement. Only satan is the master of evildoing.
    "The adversary has many agents now upon your earth. Do not be deceived. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer that you will not be led into the darkness.
    "The conquest of souls is promoted by those who have given themselves to humanism and modernism. They have entered My houses to desecrate the spirit. They have sent your guardian, Michael, from My House. And what have they gained? They have opened the doors for the entrance of all manner of demons, demons now prancing in human form--all manner of desecration.
    "Pastors with your permissiveness, I shall stand, and you shall be spit as spittle into the flames!" - Jesus, November 20, 1975

Veronica - Now I see a great field. There's a darkness hanging over this field, and there are many, many crosses stretching as far as the eye can see.
    Our Lady - "My child, you are witnessing the many who shall die in the great War. Already the forces are working to the consummation of this great World War, My child. Do not be deceived by the editorials, by your newspapers that have now been controlled by these forces, for you will only be given the knowledge of what they want you to know. It is often concealing the truth." - July 24, 1976

"My children, you must understand that satan is at war now with My children and will use every means to close My House, My Church upon earth. The war now is entered upon Rome. There must be direct application of prayer, and knowledge applied through the Spirit of your God.
    "My children, understand that, with all of your modernization and your intent for good, you have been deceived by satan. Humanism and modernism is bringing about bad fruits, My children. A great measure of responsibility shall be given among those in My hierarchy in My Church that have allowed these errors to come in." - Jesus, May 20, 1978

"As this battle with the agents of 666 continues, out of fear and lack of the light, many shall fall into the web of the octopus. The secret societies, My children, are gaining fast advocates to undermine and subvert My Son's Church. It will appear, My children, that satan has gained a great ground, but know that his time is growing short. It is sad, My children. I cannot explain to you fully the ways of the Eternal Father. Much must remain a hidden secret to you until you come over the veil.
    "Your country, the United States of America, and many other countries of the world are being deceived. While they go forward seeking peace, the enemies of your God and your country are fast preparing to attack. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and recognize the faces of evil about you. Pray for the leaders of your country, My children. You hold the balance for the fate of your country." - Our Lady, August 21, 1976

"My Church, My House upon earth, shall not crumble by the onslaught of satan! It will be a good and just battleground allowed by the Eternal Father for separating the wheat from the chaff. The harvest shall be great, and all that is rotten shall fall! And the chaff shall be gathered and cast into the fires! The numbers to be saved shall be counted in the few, but better, My children, a few with quality than quantity with nothingness!
    "I promised you in the past, and I say again: your world, earth, shall not be completely destroyed as it was in the past by the Eternal Father, but know mankind shall go through a crucible of suffering! Slowly, out of all of this suffering, shall mankind emerge anew and refreshed and bathed in the light of his God. Darkness shall be dispelled, but not without suffering. You will be left to your own deviations. It will appear that the light has completely been extinguished in the world as man bathes himself in darkness, as man goes forward gaining more knowledge and more knowledge, but proceeding farther away from his God until one day his ultimate in knowledge shall be his own destruction.
    "My children, you will keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world and your country, for many nations shall disappear from the face of your earth in the conflagration.
    "My children, awaken from your slumber. You are being deceived by false prophets. And who are the false prophets that have entered even into My House, My Church? The false prophets are those who preach doctrines of devils!
    "Many have sold their souls to get to the head. And what have you gained then, My shepherds? Eternal damnation in the abyss! Many mitres will fall into hell! Gather My sheep, those who have come out of their slumbering, gather My sheep and win your crown; scatter them and you shall be destroyed!" - Jesus, June 16, 1977

"The great Council, the Council that has brought forth discord, disunity, and the loss of souls, the major fact behind this destruction was because of the lack of prayer.
    "Satan sat in within this Council, and he watched his advantage. He is now playing a game of chess with the Red Hats and the Purple Hats, moving them with great glee as he watches the evil accelerate, and all manners of people are flowing fast through the doors of the Holy City and all ecumenical bodies." - St. Michael, March 18, 1976

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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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