The approaching Middle East War

A Palestinian weekly with reported ties to Egypt: 

'Some American Embassies and Military Assets Should be Flattened to the Ground'

Veronica - It's a map of ... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling upon those countries. Oh, my! And Our Lady is saying:
Our Lady - "The start of the Third World War, My child." 
March 29, 1975  

The Palestinian weekly, Al-Manar,(1) in its issue preceding the assassination of PFLP leader Abu Ali Mustafa, published two articles that included explicit calls for attacks on American embassies and other American interests in the Middle East. Al-Manar's editorial, titled "Bush and His Stupid Dreams". Note: According to rumors, Al-Manar is associated with Egypt.

"In his hostility towards our Palestinian people and its leadership, George Bush has gone further than any other leader of the country which claims to be neutral or host to the peace process..."

"This is, by no means, a praise to the American presidents who preceded him. Each and every one of them had his role in serving the Zionist goals in the region and in the world in its entirety. However, some of them... kept in mind that the huge number of Arabs and Muslims may lose control, and the [Arab] rage may cross the red lines - leading to the flattening out of some of Washington's embassies to ground level, or to the shelling and burning of some of its military vessels in the ocean, along the Arab shores."

"However, George Bush does not only avoid looking like his father, he also wants to beat him in the race of hostility towards the [Arab] nation and its primary cause... his political and mental blindness reaches a level where he confuses the henchmen with their victims and demands that [the victims] keep their heads still beneath the criminal's
knife so the [knife] would remain intact and the fingers on its handle would not get weary." 

"The leader of the greatest terrorist state is not satisfied with the bridge he [put] up with the occupation, through which he supplies it with his shells, missiles, and most developed and lethal weapons, in order to rip the bodies of these people and the livers of their children to pieces, in order to demolish their houses and trees. He also demands that the leadership of this people serve as the guard of the criminal murderer's knife; to defend it from the wrath and avenge of the masses; to give up the leadership's role in regaining the rights of this people, in the fulfillment of its goals and in bringing it to safe heaven; [he demands that the Palestinian leadership becomes] a faithful guard in the service of Zionism and the occupying settlers. Furthermore, Bush exaggerates in his impossible dream and demands that the leadership of the [Palestinian] people would siege its warriors, stop them, and even kill them so that the Zionists could fulfill their dream and take over a land without a people, which did not happen so far... and will not happen tomorrow either..."

"The stupidity of [the Palestinian] people's enemies, the likes of Bush and Sharon, who cruelly attack headquarters, commanders, and members of the Palestinian security apparatuses, double the momentum of the linkage between all the parts of the united body which forms the Palestinian people, and first and foremost, the symbol and leader of its struggle, President Yasser Arafat."

Another article, signed by "Karim," read:
"...Bush would have stopped his hostile position towards our people and its leadership, had only his interests in the region been threatened. He would not have supported Sharon and his aggression, had the American interest confronted a serious danger."

"We do not blame the [Arab] regimes, for these have already become White House doormats; but we do have complaints to the Arab masses who remain silent. Why don't these masses shake the dust of inaction off their shoulders? Do the nations' masses await a decision by the regimes in order to go to the streets and destroy the interests of the American tyranny?"

"We await the roar of the Arab public that will break the absolute silence that is being used by Bush and Sharon to continue their aggression. The borders and the fronts are not open due to an [official] decision by the rulers; they are open with a popular awakening for which we have long been waiting [for]. Bush is an accomplice to the aggression and he supports it. So what is the nation waiting for?"(2)

(1) Al-Manar (PA), August 27, 2001.
(2) Al-Manar (PA), August 27, 2001. 
Note: According to rumors, Al-Manar is associated with Egypt.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is an independent, non-profit organization that translates and analyzes the media of the Middle East. Copies of articles and documents cited, as well as background information, are available on request.

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837
Phone: (202) 955-9070
Fax: (202) 955-9077


Directives from Heaven:

#57 -   The Great World War III Chastisement (Part I)
#58 -   The Great World War III Chastisement (Part II)
#59 -   The Great World War III Chastisement (Part III)
#136 - Visions of the Great War: The Mideast 


External Links: 

Arafat is another bin Laden, declares Sharon  July 4, 2001

Sharon brands Arafat 'head of terrorist gang'  Reuters, June 25, 2001

Sharon blasts Arafat as murderer, pathological liar  Ha'aretz, June 6, 2001

Why Israel must act  WorldNetDaily, June 6, 2001

PLO leaders target the U.S.   WorldNetDaily, June 6, 2001

Sharon calls Arafat 'murderer and pathological liar'  Reuters, June 5, 2001

What is Really Wrong With The Middle East 'Peace' Picture (Center for Security Policy)  June 1, 2001

The real Arafat May 10, 2001 by Joseph Farah

Bin Laden joins Arafat  WorldNetDaily, April 20, 2001

Ex-NSA op asks Congress to probe Arafat murders April 17, 2001 by Joseph Farah

Palestinian TV urging children to kill May 17, 2001 by David Kupelian

Arafat and the Big Lie February 16, 2001 by Joseph Farah

Is U.S. hiding Arafat murders? WorldNetDaily, January 17, 2001

Mideast Peace? Newsmax, November 4, 2000

Palestinian kids raised for war WorldNetDaily, November 3, 2000

Senior Israeli official says Arafat returning to days as leader of terror organization, Ha'aretz, November 1, 2000

Conflict may spread, Israel warns Europe, London Times, November 1, 2000

Arafat issues call for “defense of holy Jerusalem,” Washington Times, November 1, 2000

Temple Mount 'claimed' by Palestinians WorldNetdaily, October 28, 2000

Arafat Envoy Arrives in Moscow for Talks, Russia Today, October 27, 2000

Arafat school teaches kids warfare: stone-throwing boys trained how to direct hate toward Israelis
, London Times, October 25, 2000

Arafat allies with Jihad, Hamas: Makes tactical partners with militants he once had jailed, International Herald Tribune, October 25, 2000

An open letter to Arafat Joseph Farah, October 24, 2000

Exploiting violent emotions in the Middle East October 23, 2000 by J.R. Nyquist

Arabs declare jihad and agree $1billion aid deal for Palestinians, October 22, 2000

Kremlin puppets and how they work October 19, 2000 by J.R. Nyquist

Is this how World War III begins? October 13, 2000 by Joseph Farah

Myths of the Middle East  October 11, 2000 by Joseph Farah

'An irreconcilable hatred'  January 11, 2000 by David Kupelian


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Revised: August 01, 2022