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Topical Index of Our Lady of the Roses messages

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Calumny, “Blessed is he whom the world calumniates” ‘73: 9-7

Cameras ‘75: 10-2

Must be blessed ’75: 12-24


Awaken from your slumber ‘82: 6-18

Blood in the streets ‘81: 6-18; ‘82: 6-18

Brothers and sisters ‘77: 6-4

Man of perdition in ‘77: 9-13

On road to chastisement ‘75: 11-1

Shall not be free from invasion ‘83: 5-28

Will be cleansed by trial ‘75: 9-27

Cancer ‘71: 9-14


Black, signs of Lucifer and hell ‘79: 7-14

Blessed, keep in homes ‘76: 6-12; ‘85: 10-5, 11-1

Light of truth from Heaven ‘75: 9-13

Light with Us ‘72: 5-10

Lighting throughout the world ‘76: 12-28; ‘79: 6-2

Many will light, few will be saved ‘75: 2-1

Not just symbols; light of the world ‘73: 8-5

Of light ‘75: 5-17; ‘79: 7-25

Only fourteen left ‘73: 12-7

Our Lady hopes to see more ‘73: 7-15

Searching through the darkness ‘72: 4-10; ‘74: 9-28; ‘75: 5-28, 6-18, 8-21, 10-6; ‘78: 2-10; ‘79: 9-7, 10-6

Take through darkness, recover brothers ‘73: 4-21

Will burn in darkness ‘73: 5-30, 6-8

Cannibalism ‘77: 11-21; ‘78: 2-10; ’85: 11-1

Cardinal Cushing ‘73: 9-7

Cardinals (SEE ALSO Bishop(s) - and Cardinals) ‘78: 2-10, 3-15, 5-3, 5-20, 5-27, 5-30

Aware of the Message ‘75: 12-27

“Conform and you will die on the vine!” ‘81: 6-13

Look about askance at the Message from Heaven ‘84: 4-14

Message must reach all ‘72: 9-14

One possessed by demon ‘73: 6-8

One shall die in coming year ‘75: 12-24, 12-27

Red ‘76: 4-10

Red Hat of evil intent ‘71: 10-7

They have overstepped their boundaries ‘72: 7-15

Villot ’75: 9-13, 27; ’76: 1-31, 11-20; ’85: 7-1

- Rewrites Pope Paul VI’s letters and censors his mail  ’74: 8-21

- Murdered Pope John Paul I with a poisoned champagne glass ’83: 5-21

Carnal nature ‘75: 8-5, 11-1

Casaroli, Antonio ‘76: 1-31

His course of appeasement shall lead to the enslavement of many ’87: 6-18

Influencing Pope John Paul II not to listen to Our Lady of the Roses message ’87: 6-18

Sent agents of satan as emissaries from Rome ‘75: 9-27

Shall condemn himself to hell ’75: 9-27

Write to him to put away his false pride and not mislead Pope John Paul II ‘87: 6-18

Cat and mouse game in Rome ‘76: 1-31

Cataclysm ’71: 7-1, 12-31; ’72: 7-15, 9-7; ‘73: 8-5, 11-1, 12-7; ‘74: 2-10, 4-6, 5-30, 6-8, 7-15; ‘76: 4-10, 10-6, 11-22; ‘78: 9-13, 12-7; ’79: 8-14; ’84: 8-14; ’85: 7-25, 11-1; ’89: 10-2

Many shall be removed before the ‘84: 4-14

Catastrophe(ies) ‘77: 4-2, 4-9; ‘78: 6-10, 11-20; ‘86: 6-18

Approaching North America ‘80: 10-6

Calamities ‘76: 4-10

From the elements ‘79: 8-4

Pray to be spared ‘79: 6-2

Prepare and try to avoid ‘75: 8-21; ‘76: 10-2

Soon ‘79: 5-23

Wars, death, famine, flood, cataclysm, destruction, Ball of Redemption ‘74: 5-30

Catechisms ‘76: 5-29, 6-5

Catholic nations

Forfeited another key to Heaven when they discarded prayers given by Heaven ‘85: 8-21

Celine ‘74: 10-2; ‘75: 2-1

Centers for distributing the Message in Heaven’s plan ‘79: 6-18


Filled 77: 9-7

Is overflowing ‘73: 10-6; ‘81: 6-18

Polished on outside, filled with abominations ‘74: 11-23


All who seek, die on the vine ’79: 5-23

Brings error, confusion, destruction of souls ’74:6-15; ’76: 9-28

Destroys souls ’76: 8-21, 9-28; ’77: 9-19

Dissatisfied, greedy, lustful man seeks change ’74: 8-14

Jesus cannot accept world’s reasoning for all of the ‘85: 8-21

Must stop ’76: 6-18, 8-5; ’78: 3-18, 6-1, 9-7; ‘79: 8-4

“My shepherds, you will close your ears to your modernists and those who seek change” ’77: 7-15

“My Son does not want change that sets you into darkness” ’75: 9-13

No need ’74: 3-18, 7-25; ‘75: 6-5, 9-21, 9-27, 10-2; ‘76: 6-12, 12-7

Not through the Holy Spirit and Pope Paul ‘75: 9-27

Nothing ever changes in Heaven ‘73: 10-6; ’76: 6-12, 8-5; ’77: 2-10


- Bring ruination of souls and of the Faith ‘74: 6-15; ’75: 9-27, 10-2, 11-24, 12-27; ’76: 5-29, 8-5; ’77: 5-18; ’78: 2-1

- Is the creation of satan ’75: 11-1; ’77: 2-10

-     Must end ’75: 11-20, 11-22, 12-6; ’76: 1-31, 5-26, 6-18, 9-7; ’78: 5-20, 9-7; ’79: 6-2

-     The simple context of Faith is being cast aside and replaced by all manner of ’76: 6-12

Opened door to evil spirits ‘73: 7-1, 11-24

Promoted by satan to destroy ‘75: 8-21; ‘76: 2-10, 3-18, 5-15; ‘77: 2-10

Return to reality and tradition ‘75: 6-5, 12-6

The Father expects no change ‘74: 3-18, 12-6; ‘75: 3-22

Way does not change ‘77: 7-15

“When man becomes discontented he seeks a change and it is most often not for the better” ’75: 9-27

You shall not seek ’75: 9-13

Charismatics ‘77: 4-9; ‘78: 11-25

Calling down demons ‘77: 5-28

Heaven asked Pope Paul VI to condemn ‘74: 6-15

New sects created by satan ‘73: 9-7


Admonish the wrongdoer ‘77: 4-9

Be charitable at all times LOC’91: 3-8

Be soul of charity to all ‘78: 7-25

Cast aside ‘79: 10-2

Compassion soon unknown ‘74: 9-7

Discourse ‘76: 3-18

Do not go about with lip service ‘84: 6-18

Extend to all ‘71: 9-14; ‘74: 10-2; ‘79: 11-20

Gather souls ‘77: 5-30

Give to others, but not humanism ‘76: 11-20

Grown cold ‘70: 11-21; ‘75: 3-29; ‘77: 9-28, 10-1

In giving, we receive the light ‘73: 5-10

Lack of ‘72: 4-1; ‘76: 1-31, 6-12; ‘77: 11-21

Loss of ‘77: 5-14, 7-15

Must not grow cold ‘80: 10-6

No true love without love of God ‘77: 5-30, 8-5

None without God ‘78: 2-10

Not compromising the faith or doctrine ‘79: 6-18

Retain in your heart ‘77: 5-28; ‘78: 12-7

To pray ‘75: 8-5

To pray for those in darkness ‘75: 5-28; ‘77: 6-16

To seek lost brothers and sisters ‘73: 5-30

Towards neighbor ‘77: 2-1, 2-10, 3-18, 4-2; ‘78: 5-20, 9-7

True love lies in prayers, sacrifices for an individual ‘78: 5-20

Will cool because of fear ‘77: 8-5

Will diminish ‘74: 9-28

Will grow cold ‘78: 8-5, 8-14

Without it, nothing ‘77: 10-6, 11-1; ‘79: 9-7

Works without charity are dead ‘74: 11-23

Chastisement(s) ‘74: 3-24, 6-18, 7-1, 7-15, 7-25, 8-14, 10-2, 11-1, 11-23, 12-6, 12-24; ‘75: 6-5, 8-1, 1-20, 12-6; ‘77: 2-10, 4-2, 4-9, 11-1, 11-21, 12-31; ‘78: 3-25, 5-3, 6-1, 6-10, 6-18, 9-13

A comet ’73: 2-10, 3-25, 5-30, 6-16, 7-1; ’75: 7-25; ’78: 8-14; ’85: 8-21, 11-1; ’88: 6-18

Any day, any hour, you will face the major part of the ‘85: 7-1

Approaches ‘70: 9-14; ‘71: 7-25; ‘72: 4-10; ‘73: 3-18, 6-16, 7-1

Avoid by reparation ‘76: 3-18

Ball of Redemption, War ‘78: 5-30; ‘83: 3-26

Before arrival of Jesus ‘74: 12-28

Billions will be lost ‘73: 5-10, 10-6

Can be avoided only when Lucifer is returned to hell ‘78: 11-20

Cannot be held back ‘78: 4-1, 10-6

Cannot be held back much longer ‘89: 10-2

Cast aside knowledge of the supernatural and you will not see it coming ‘75: 9-13

Coming if we do not act on Our Lady’s counsel ‘79: 11-20

Crumble the church of man ‘75: 10-6

Earth shall tremble ‘75: 10-6

Eternal Father chastises those He loves ‘76: 4-10

Fast approaching ‘85: 7-1

Felt by all mankind ‘74: 9-7

Few will be saved ‘77: 9-28

For the U. S. ‘71: 11-1; ‘76: 9-7

Gather prayers and graces for others ‘75: 6-18

Gauged by measure of iniquity ‘75: 4-5, 9-13; ‘76: 12-7

Great ’72: 9-14; ’73: 3-25, 4-14, 5-30, 6-16, 8-21, 7-1, 10-2, 10-6, 11-24, 12-24; ’74: 2-1, 3-24, 4-6, 4-13, 5-22, 5-30, 7-1, 7-25, 8-5, 8-14, 9-13, 9-28, 10-2, 11-1, 11-23, 12-6, 12-24, 12-28, 12-31; ’75: 2-1, 3-22, 4-5, 5-17, 6-5, 7-25, 9-13, 11-20, 12-6, 12-31; ’76: 3-18, 5-15, 5-26, 5-29, 6-5, 6-12, 9-7, 10-6, 12-7; ‘77: 2-10, 4-2, 4-9, 5-30, 6-4, 7-15, 7-25, 8-5, 9-28, 11-1, 11-21, 12-31; ’78: 3-15, 3-18, 3-25, 5-23, 6-10, 6-18, 7-15, 7-25, 8-19, 9-28, 11-25, 12-7; ’79: 5-23, 6-2, 6-9, 8-14, 10-2, 10-6, 11-20; ’80: 6-18; ’81: 5-30, 6-13, 6-18; ’83: 3-18, 3-26; ’85: 7-1, 11-1; ’86: 6-18; ’87: 10-2; ’90: 6-18; ’93: 6-18; ’94: 6-18

Great ball of fire ‘74: 6-15

Greater than man has ever seen ‘74: 11-1; ‘75: 2-10, 8-14, 9-6; ‘76: 5-29, 10-2; ’77: 10-1; ’78: 6-1; ’88: 10-6

Heading fast to mankind ‘75: 3-22; ‘76: 5-15, 8-21, 12-7; ‘79: 8-4, 10-2, 12-24

Held back by the few with faith ’72: 12-24; ’73: 11-24; ‘74: 5-22, 10-6; ’75: 9-27; ’77: 6-16, 8-5, 9-7; ’78: 5-30, 9-28

Imminent ‘70: 9-7; ‘70: 12-7

Inevitable ‘77: 5-18, 7-15

Like a thief in the night, it shall come upon you ‘85: 9-14

Major and minor ones shall increase ‘77: 6-4

Man’s path leading to ‘73: 8-14

Many will be sent, each more serious ‘76: 8-5

Many will be victims, fall into abyss ‘73: 12-24

Meted in accordance with sin and abomination (abortions) ‘70: 8-14; ‘71: 9-14; ‘73: 9-28; ‘74: 9-13; ‘77: 6-18

No flesh shall escape ‘75: 2-1, 3-29, 5-17, 6-5, 7-15; ‘76: 1-31; ’85: 7-25

Not necessary to give time of ‘73: 3-25

Our Lady hopes it can be put off ‘75: 12-6

Separates sheep from goats ‘75: 7-25

Skin will dry up and blow off the bones ’72: 2-1; ’73: 3-24; ‘74: 3-18, 4-13, 9-13, 12-6; ’76: 3-29, 5-26, 6-18, 8-21, 9-14; ’77: 5-28; ’78: 5-18

Soon set upon U.S. and every nation that has succumbed to satan ‘83: 3-18

Soon unless scale is balanced ‘74: 9-28; ‘77: 6-4

Two parts:Third World War and Ball of Redemption ‘86: 6-18

War will be going on when comet strikes ‘73: 5-30

Will be hastened, if prayers are discontinued ‘73: 4-14

Will bring great loss of life ‘78: 9-28

Will claim many, good and evil ‘74: 4-13, 8-21; ‘76: 3-18

Will come before many mend their ways ‘73: 11-24

Will come if errors are repeated ‘78: 12-7

Will destroy three-quarters of mankind ’76: 9-28; ’77: 4-2; ’78: 4-1; ‘79: 6-2, 6-9, 9-7; ’81: 5-30; ’82: 6-18; ’91: 6-18

Will gather souls for the Kingdom ‘71: 8-15

Woe to the man who has not repented ‘78: 2-1; ‘79: 5-23

You call upon yourself ‘76: 8-14; ‘77: 2-1; ‘78: 7-15

You will be unable to buy anything due to contamination after the ‘85: 7-1

Chastity ‘73: 6-8, 6-16, 11-24, 12-7; ‘74: 3-24, 6-15, 9-7, 9-28; ‘75: 2-10. 11-20; ‘79: 10-2

Chess, satan’s game of ‘76: 7-15; ‘77: 5-18

Chickens without heads ‘76: 12-24; ‘77: 4-9; ‘78: 5-13

Childlike to enter Heaven ‘79: 10-2, 12-24

Children ‘77: 12-31; ‘78: 2-1, 3-15, 5-13, 5-20, 5-27, 5-30

At mercy of those outside your door ‘78: 8-19

Bad example ‘72: 9-14; ‘77: 3-18

Being brainwashed by Lucifer ‘78: 11-25

Being educated in schools to take all Christianity from their lives ‘87: 6-18

Bloodless ‘80: 10-6

Bring them knowledge of Heaven, hell and purgatory ‘83: 5-28

Can no longer be children from viewing the diabolical box ‘85: 10-5

Conditioned to hate ‘71: 9-7

Crimes and violations ‘77: 5-18

Dechristianized ‘75: 10-2; ‘76: 10-6; ‘77: 5-18; ‘80: 10-6

Do not abandon ‘77: 5-30

Encouraged to rise against parents by schools, teachers, media ‘79: 7-25

Ensnared with evil in schools ‘84: 4-14

Entering a spiritual void ‘71: 7-1

Entering covens ‘77: 9-13

Evil influence by fallen priests ‘75: 11-1

Example of discipline and faith ‘76: 8-14

Falling away from truth ‘75: 5-17

False religions, the occult and satanism ‘79: 7-14, 9-28

Fed polluted waters in name of truth ‘76: 9-14

Following soul-destroying modes ‘74: 3-24, 12-28

Give firm foundation of faith in homes ’73: 9-7; ’74: 6-15, 6-18, 9-28; ’75: 8-21, 12-6; ’76: 11-12; ’77: 3-18, 5-28, 6-4, 6-16, 7-25, 9-7; ’78: 2-10, 3-15, 4-1, 5-27, 6-1, 6-10; ’79: 5-26, 6-2, 6-18, 7-14, 7-25, 8-4, 8-14, 10-6, 11-24

Grow more disobedient, arrogant ‘73: 7-15

Growing up into sin, going forth into life unprepared by parents ‘87: 6-18

Guard their souls ‘74: 2-1; ‘81: 5-30

Guard with sacramentals ‘77: 6-4, 6-18, 9-13; ‘80: 10-6; ‘91: 6-18

Heaven concerned for their salvation ‘71: 5-30; ‘79: 11-24

Heresy and lies ‘77: 9-28

If you could look behind closed doors, you would die of horror ‘83: 3-18

In darkness ‘70: 12-6

Indoctrinate them into the legion of the good ‘83: 3-18

Insane with sin ‘77: 11-21

Instruments for destruction of U. S. ‘77: 12-7

Jesus holds all parents responsible for fall of souls of ‘85: 10-5

Keep Faith alive in ‘74: 9-28; ‘78: 4-1

Killed at birth ‘75: 12-27

Leading lives without direction or knowledge of eternal life ‘92: 10-6

Learning to kill by the television ‘89: 3-18

Led like robots and slaves ‘79: 8-14

Like soft flowers that must be nourished ‘85: 9-14

Lost knowledge of God ‘73: 3-25

Lost knowledge of purgatory and hell ‘80: 10-6

Lost to satan ‘73: 9-7; ‘75: 2-10, 3-29; ‘77: 8-5, 8-13

Main objects of satanic seduction ‘73: 10-2

Major onslaught of satan is against ‘78: 8-14

Major victims ‘79: 9-14, 11-20

Many approaching destruction ‘76: 9-24

Many have been slain by cults in sacrifice to satan ‘89: 6-17

Many receiving schooling based on atheism ‘85: 8-21

Many removed to save souls ‘73: 2-1, 10-6; ‘74: 3-18; ‘75: 4-5, 11-20; ‘76: 9-14, 10-6; ‘77: 12-31; ‘78: 3-18, 6-18

Many satanic institutions waiting for your ‘89: 3-18

Many shall die in epidemic uncontrollable by science ‘81: 5-30

Many to be removed ‘72: 7-25

Many will die in plague ‘72: 7-25; ‘73: 3-18

May not bring Host to others ‘75: 8-21

Mind control with drugs, pornography ‘75: 8-14; ‘76: 5-28; ‘77: 10-6; ‘79: 5-23

Misdirection of ‘73: 8-21

Missing ‘84: 6-30; ‘85: 7-1, 11-1

- Bodies often cremated on pyres to satan ‘85: 11-1

- If carnage continues, you will see your children disappearing from the streets again ‘87: 6-18

- Many held as captives for the whim and humor of satanists ‘85: 8-21

- Pawns of the satanists ‘88: 6-18

- Thousands upon thousands will vanish without a trace ‘85: 7-1

Misled by television ‘74: 10-6

Must be protected ‘78: 2-10, 7-15

Must be taught scripture ‘73: 9-13

Must be taught within the family ‘87: 6-18

Must have statues to look at ‘72: 4-10; ‘73: 9-4; ‘78: 2-1

Must learn by good example of parents of cleansing their soul by confession ‘75: 11-20

Must not go out of your homes without protection of a sacramental ‘77: 6-4

Must return to fold, respect elders, remain pure ‘75: 7-25; ‘76: 12-28; ‘78: 8-5

Mysterious disease to remove many ‘84: 6-30

Need discipline and truth ‘73: 7-1

No firm foundation of faith ‘77: 11-19

Of all Mary workers must be guarded ‘77: 9-7

Of Our Lady ‘77: 11-1

Place Rosary around necks of your ‘87: 10-2

Plague will save many ‘73: 2-1; ‘81: 6-18

Pray for ‘76: 8-14

Programmed to kill ‘74: 7-25; ‘77: 9-28, 10-1, 10-6, 11-21, 12-7; ‘78: 5-13, 11-25

Purity and spirituality destroyed ‘76: 12-28; ‘79: 8-14

Sacrificed to satan ‘77: 8-13; ‘79: 7-14

Satanic cults steal and brutalize your ‘87: 6-18

Shall be your scourge ‘77: 2-10

Should symbolize purity and faith ‘77: 5-28

Sins of the parents shall be visited upon ‘90: 6-18

Souls will be destroyed when not given Bread of life ‘73: 8-5

Subject to error, soul destruction outside home ‘73: 7-1

Taken from you in spirit ‘79: 12-24

Taught lies, error, immorality, heresy in schools ‘74: 9-28; ‘79: 6-18

Teach them about the supernatural, angels and saints ‘71: 7-1; ‘72: 5-30; ‘74: 4-13, 6-18, 9-7, 11-20, 12-28; ‘75: 6-5

Teach them at home the truth of your Bible and prayers ‘83: 5-21

Teach at home to love God before man ‘75: 8-21; ‘79: 10-6

Teach of Heaven, hell, purgatory ‘76: 8-21

Teach of the Trinity, reverence, modesty ‘74: 7-25, 8-21

To be taught the Trinity in as simple a manner as possible ‘85: 10-5

Unless you give your children a firm foundation in knowledge of their Faith, they will fall to satan’s subtleties ’77: 9-7

Urgency of protecting ‘83: 3-18

Victims of elders ’70: 7-1, 9-7; ’71: 7-15, 7-25, 8-5, 9-7, 9-28, 12-24; ’72: 7-25; ’73: 2-10, 10-6; ’74: 6-15, 8-5, 9-13, 10-2; ‘75: 2-1, 4-5, 5-28, 6-5, 6-24, 7-25, 10-2, 11-20, 12-24, 12-28; ‘76: 5-15, 5-26, 6-5, 12-24, 12-28; ‘77: 2-10, 5-18, 5-28, 6-4, 8-13, 11-1; ’78: 3-15; ’83: 3-18; ’84: 6-30; ’89: 10-2; ’92: 10-6

Wandering into web of satan ‘73: 8-5

Wandering without purpose or knowledge of religion ‘76: 5-26, 10-6

When leave home, enter world controlled by Lucifer ‘73: 7-1; ‘76: 7-24; ‘79: 7-14

Children in heart ‘77: 4-2; ‘78: 4-1

Children of God/light ‘75: 2-10; ‘76: 6-18, 8-14, 9-28, 11-22; ’78: 5-3

All will carry heavy crosses ‘73: 6-16; ‘75: 10-2

Asked to visit sacred grounds ‘75: 6-5

Attacks upon ‘78: 5-30

Bar doors to outsiders ‘76: 12-7; ’87: 6-18

Beacons for others ‘78: 5-3

Being attacked by 666 and falling away ‘76: 4-17; ‘77: 4-9

Consecration to hearts of Jesus and Mary ‘74: 12-31

Cooperation ‘74: 11-23

Deceived ‘76: 2-10

Dedication to Heaven’s cause ‘75: 2-1, 3-29

Do not long for acceptance of Message ‘76: 12-31

Do not waste graces, but multiply ‘73: 7-1

“Each one must reach out to bring another soul to Us” ‘70: 11-1

Earn your daily bread, but put My Son above all ‘81: 6-13

Endure trial with less fright ‘74: 7-15

Enlightened will be called crazy ‘76: 4-17; ‘77: 9-13

Enslavement without prayer and fidelity ‘74: 9-7

Extend charity ‘75: 5-17

Fear and complacency ‘80: 6-18, 10-2

Fight to the bitter end if necessary to save the Church ‘89: 3-18

Fighting spirits of evil ‘75: 2-1

Give up your worldly pleasures, as well as your hoarded treasures ‘82: 7-2

Go forward and try to save your brothers and sisters ‘71: 7-1; ‘89: 3-18

Go forward with perseverance ‘78: 5-3

Great reward awaits ‘71: 9-28

Have pity on your brothers and sisters and pray for them ‘83: 5-28

Heaven desperately needs those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the hereafter ‘87: 10-2

Honor of following Jesus ‘75: 5-28

“If you swerve in your course of dedication, you can lose your eternal soul” ‘92: 10-6

Jesus and the Message will guide ‘79: 11-24

Life of austerity, sacrifice, discipline, salvation is Mercy of Eternal Father ‘73: 2-1: ‘74: 11-20

Must go forward as apostles of the Father ‘73: 11-24

Must not tire in your mission ‘76: 12-7; ‘79: 8-4

Must save the Church ‘78: 2-10

Must suffer to learn wisdom ‘79: 12-24

Not called by accident; names written in Heaven ‘75: 8-5, 11-1; ‘76: 6-24: ‘79: 12-24: ‘81: 5-30, 6-18

Not caught unprepared ‘74: 4-13; ‘78: 10-6; ‘81: 6-18

Not to slacken prayer life ’70: 10-2; ‘78: 6-10

Obligation to seek out souls who have not received this grace ‘86: 5-17

Obtain copies of the back messages from Heaven ‘88: 10-1

Perform good works for Eternal Father in secret or lose graces ‘81: 8-14

Pray for your brethren and your priests ‘89: 3-18

Prayers heard in Heaven; will not be forsaken ‘73: 10-6; ‘79: 6-18

Prepare for antagonism from the clergy 71: 7-1

Prepare for persecution ‘73: 12-29; ‘78: 11-25

Reach out for other souls ‘70: 11-21; ‘71: 5-30

Recognize signs of times ‘74: 7-25; ‘76: 12-7

Remain in My Son’s Church, regardless of turmoil ‘81: 6-13, 8-14

Retire from world, live in the spirit ‘70: 9-7; ‘70: 9-14; ‘70: 11-1; ‘71: 3-24; ‘71: 8-21; ‘73: 6-8; ‘75: 2-10, 3-29, 7-25, 10-6, 12-24; ‘80: 6-18; ‘81: 6-13, 8-14

Save your country ‘79: 11-24

Self-willed, must be reprimanded and chastised ‘79: 11-24

Settle discord through prayer ‘74: 2-1

Solaced in trials by the Holy Spirit ‘75: 2-1

Some asked to become nuns ‘82: 6-18

Stand as disciples of Jesus ‘74: 3-24

Sufferings for repatriation of souls ‘75: 2-1; ‘76: 12-24

“The strong must carry the weak” ‘70: 7-1

To have small circle of blessed friends, not to socialize among wicked ‘73: 12-29

True disciples of Eternal Father ‘75: 5-28

Try to save others ‘78: 3-15

Under Our Lady’s mantle with cross and Rosary ‘74: 7-25

Unhappy if you reject the light ‘74: 12-31

   Veronica, workers to establish Kingdom on earth ‘74: 5-22

Will be persecuted, scorned and ridiculed ‘71: 5-30; ‘74: 3-24, 7-25, 9-13; ‘75: 9-27, 12-31; ‘81: 6-18

Will be poorest of poor, but richest of rich ‘73: 3-18

Will be tested as mettle in the fire ‘78: 11-20

Will be saved ‘73: 7-25; ‘76: 10-2; ‘80: 6-18

Will fall away ‘74: 12-31

Will go into hiding ‘75: 11-1

Will have heavy crucifixion; many will weaken and fall away ‘73: 3-24

Will remain until Jesus’ return ‘73: 12-24

“Without your prayers and sacrifices, many will be lost” ‘70: 11-20 

Chile, two young true seers in Santiago ‘85: 7-25

China ‘73: 5-30

Christ’s holy legion ‘77: 4-9

Christians unite against Lucifer, common enemy ‘77: 12-7


Abomination/desecration ‘73: 3-18, 3-25; ‘74: 7-25, 11-23; ‘75: 10-6; ‘80: 10-6

- Listed by Michael ‘73: 6-16

After Chastisement, rebuilt to its former glory ‘77: 11-21; ‘79: 10-2; ‘81: 6-18

Agents of hell/of satan ‘71: 8-21; ‘72: 8-5; ‘74: 3-18; ‘75: 11-20; ‘77: 3-18, 4-2

All cannot be gathered with the one true Church ‘76: 6-5

Avoid movements within ‘78: 8-19

Baptized Roman Catholics must die Roman Catholics to enter Heaven ‘79: 11-20

Becoming one with world ‘78: 8-5

Being destroyed from within ‘71: 12-24

Being destroyed with change ‘78: 9-28

Being handed over to enemies of God ‘73: 8-5; ‘78: 7-15

Being opened to heretics and unbelievers ‘78: 7-25

Bring all into by conversion ‘78: 9-28

Bring back disillusioned and misguided ‘77: 7-25

Builders must be excommunicated ‘75: 12-31

Cannot change, compromise, lower standards ‘74: 8-14; ‘76: 6-5, 12-28; ‘77: 2-1

Chaos, result of modernism, communism, humanism ‘81: 8-14

Chase satan; demons ‘73: 8-15; ‘74: 11-i; ‘77: 9-13, 12-31; ‘78: 8-14, 8-19

Church + world  = end ‘74: 11-1; ‘75: 12-6; ‘79: 9-14

Cleanse and restore ‘75: 11-22; ‘76: 1-31, 5-26, 8-5, 11-20; ‘77: 2-1, 4-2, 5-14, 5-30; ‘79: 11-20; ‘80: 10-2

Clink of coins to sell out ‘78: 12-7

Come properly dressed ‘75: 3-22

Conspiracy, subversion ‘76: 3-18, 10-6

Corruption will be eliminated ‘73: 9-28

Crucible of suffering and chaos ‘78: 10-6

Darkness has descended upon ‘92: 10-6

Deception and error ‘74: 6-15, 12-28

Destroyed by war, but rebuilt with valor, vigor, faith ‘79: 6-18

Destruction, corruption ‘76: 1-31, 3-18, 5-15, 5-26, 9-14; ‘77: 11-1, 11-21; ‘80: 10-2

Destruction of man ‘75: 9-13

Devious and diabolical force trying to tear it asunder ‘74: 7-15; ‘79: 5-18

Diabolical music, dancing not condoned ‘74: 5-22; ‘75: 3-18

Divided will close ‘78: 8-19; ‘81: 6-13

Do not abandon ’70: 11-21; ‘70: 9-14; ‘70: 11-21; ‘73: 5-10, 10-2; ‘74: 6-15, 11-23; ‘76: 4-10, 6-12, 8-5, 9-7, 10-6; ‘77: 4-2, 5-14, 7-15; ‘78: 2-1, 2-10, 3-15, 3-25, 4-1, 5-3, 5-27, 6-10, 7-15, 9-13, 11-25; ‘79: 5-26, 10-6, 11-20; ‘81: 6-13; ‘89: 3-18

Do not cast aside rules ‘73: 7-1

Do not condemn ‘72: 2-1

Do not create schism in ‘78: 2-10

Do not give up ‘79: 7-25; ‘81: 8-14

Do not judge by standards or antics of man ‘74: 3-18; ‘78: 6-10; ‘79: 9-28

Do not leave home parishes ‘73: 3-18

Do your utmost to bring back the Faith ‘85: 7-1

Enemies of God have taken highest positions ‘75: 10-6

Entrance of satan ‘71: 6-17; ‘71: 9-14; ‘72: 5-30; ‘72: 9-7; ’73: 4-21; ‘74: 4-13, 8-5, 12-28; ‘75: 10-2, 11-1; ’76: 9-28; ‘77: 3-18, 4-9, 5-28, 5-30, 6-16, 7-25, 8-5, 11-21, 12-31; ‘78: 5-3, 6-1, 6-10; ‘80: 6-18; ‘89: 10-2; ‘90: 6-18

Established by Jesus ‘78: 5-20

Eternal Father’s palace upon earth ‘86: 6-18

Fall of man in ‘78: 2-10

Fight with Lucifer ‘78: 8-14, 8-19

Foundation always there; rebuild waIls, patch cracks ‘73: 8-5, 11-24

Foundation solid, is Jesus ’71: 6-17; ’73: 8-5; ‘74: 5-30; ‘75: 8-5; ’76: 1-31, 8-21, 9-28; ‘79: 5-23, 10-2, 11-20; ‘81: 8-14

Foundation will not be removed ‘77: 7-25

Gates of hell shall not prevail against ‘70: 9-14; ‘70: 11-21; ‘71: 12-24; ‘74: 4-6, 7-25; ‘75: 11-1; ‘77: 2-1, 2-10, 6-16

Great trial within ‘78: 5-13, 9-7

Greatest harm to man promoted through Church ‘76: 12-28

Gross errors in ‘89: 10-2

Has become a meeting place for sinners, heretics, demons ‘75: 11-20; ‘76: 5-29, 8-21, 11-22

Heaven has set time to stop desecration ‘76: 8-5

Holiness, piety, discipline, purity must be returned ‘74: 9-13; ‘75: 3-18, 8-21, 12-31; ‘76: 5-29, 12-7; ‘79: 7-14

House of prayer, not a meeting hall ‘79:7-14, 7-25

“I command you as your God to rid those who create the evil and the destruction of souls, to rid them from My House, My Church.”  ’76: 8-5

In darkness ‘72: 4-1

In darkness, a band of death ‘71: 3-24; ‘71: 6-17; ‘71: 8-15; ‘71: 9-28; ‘73:10-2; ‘74:4-13, 11-23, 12-24; ‘75: 6-5, 8-5, 8-21, 11-22, 12-6; ‘77: 2-1, 4-2, 7-25; ‘78: 3-18, 7-15; ‘79: 5-26, 6-2; ‘85: 7-1

In darkness, will close doors ‘77: 3-18, 12-7, 12-31; ‘79: 11-20

In great crisis ‘85: 7-1

In U. S., will fall if Michael not entered ‘74: 5-22

In U. S., will split ‘75: 6-5; ’76: 5-29

Infiltration of ‘72: 4-10

Innovation, change, experimentation must be reversed ‘79: 8-4

Irreverence and violations against sanctity ‘74: 4-13, 8-14; ‘77: 10-6

Jesus is door ‘78: 5-27

Judases in ‘72: 5-30

Leadership found lacking ‘75: 8-21

Man seeking to cast aside all tradition and knowledge of supernatural ‘89: 3-18

Many sowing seeds of discord and impurity ‘75: 5-28

Michael removed ‘75: 11-20; ‘77: 9-28

Modernizing is wrong ‘85: 10-5

Must remain within fold ’78: 9-28; ’86: 9-27

Must not seek novelty ‘75: 11-20

Must not unite with world -- nothing in common with flesh and devil ‘75: 5-17

Nakedness in ‘73: 8-5

Names of destroyers not given ‘77: 2-1

New ‘78: 5-30, 7-15

No discipline ‘74: 9-28

No political involvement will be allowed ‘72: 3-24

No reason to modernize ‘78: 2-1

No schism in ‘79: 9-7

No unity in spirit ‘81: 6-18

Not changed to suit man ‘75: 2-1; ‘79: 10-2

Not constructive to speak out in anger against ‘71: 4-3

Not renewed by commending it to satan ‘76: 9-14

Numbers reduced to few ‘77: 5-14

Of humanism ‘77: 10-6

Of satan ‘77:10-1, 12-7, 12-31; ‘78: 11-20; ‘80: 10-6

Patch the cracks ‘72: 5-30

Place of silence, adoration ‘73: 8-5

Poor example, poor leadership, lack of prayer ‘76: 6-12

Quiet must be returned ‘75: 3-22

Red flag over them ‘75: 4-5

Reduced to shambles ‘77: 4-2

Restoration means clergy to return to prayer ‘75: 2-1

Restore statues in the ‘72: 6-18; ‘73: 4-14, 9-7, 10-6, 11-24; ‘74: 4-6, 5-30; ‘75: 8-14, 11-1; ‘85: 8-21

Restore the altar railing so man may be on his knees before God ‘81: 5-30

Restore to former glory ‘77: 7-15; ‘79: 5-23, 6-9; ‘86: 6-18

Restore to reverence, respect, sanctity, piety, holiness ‘75: 8-5, 9-6, 9-13; ‘78: 2-10, 6-1, 11-20

Restore while there is still time ‘81: 5-30

Roman Catholic ‘77: 3-18, 5-14

Ruled by descendents of Peter, not a governing body of hierarchy ‘75: 11-20


- Agents multiplying in the House of God ’72: 9-7; ’72: 10-2

- And demons have one ultimate aim, to destroy the ‘89: 3-18

- Defend against ‘78: 12-7

- Entered Church ’70:11-21; ’71:2-11, 6-17, 9-14, 12-24, 12-25; ’72: 4-10; ’73:4-14; 5-30

- Greatest attacks against hierarchy ’70:11-1

- Has entered the highest ranks of the ’71:12-25; ’73:4-21

- Has worked his plan well among you ’72:4-10

- Many possessed to do his will in the ’73:8-14

- Now banding his disciples within the Church ‘71:6-17

- Plans to close doors ‘73: 3-18

- Plans to replace Church of Christ with church of man ‘77: 10-1

- Will find many to create heresy ‘70: 8-14

Satan’s deception that Mass is not valid and Jesus is not present ‘73: 10-6

Save by prayer, good example, constructive criticism, work ‘77: 12-7; ‘78: 5-3

Separation, division in ‘76: 3-18, 5-29, 6-12, 9-7, 9-28, 12-7, 12-24; ‘81: 8-14

Separation of sheep and goats ‘75: 2-1

Smoke of satan in ‘78: 5-20, 9-28; ‘85: 9-14; ‘89: 10-2

Taking in heretics and antichrists ‘79: 12-24

“The cavorting and the banjos and the guitars and the musical interludes and the dancing are all created by satan” ‘89: 3-18

The only sanctified House on earth ‘73: 8-5

Those with faith shall bail it out ‘78: 3-18

To be directed for a short time by satan ‘78: 5-30

True Church of God ’73: 2-10; ’77: 3-18, 4-2

- All others have left it ’75: 9-13, 11-20; ’76: 6-5; ’77: 3-18

- If knowledge given to you, you will follow it or you will be rejected ‘85: 8-21

- “True Church of Jesus in Rome” ’76: 4-17

- True Faith ’77: 2-10, 7-25

Two churches – of God and of man ‘72: 2-1

Victim souls to slow disintegration ‘78: 5-27

Will be forced into catacombs ‘78: 9-7

Will last until the end of time ‘76: 11-1, 12-7

Will rise triumphant in the final count ‘72: 4-1

“You can save it if you will pray more” ‘89: 3-18

You cannot separate yourselves from the Holy Father in Rome ‘86: 9-27

Your heavenly habitude ‘70: 8-21

church of man ‘74: 9-13; ‘76: 5-15, 6-5, 9-7, 10-2, 10-6, 11-20, 12-7; ‘77: 3-18, 11-1; ‘78: 3-25, 5-30, 6-18, 7-15, 8-5, 8-14

Being built before your eyes ‘78: 9-7

No angels help to build ‘77: 4-2, 4-9, 7-15, 12-31; ‘78: 7-25, 9-13

Socialist church, demons helping to build ‘79: 7-25


Cleansed by trial ‘75: 3-29

Death in the streets without prayer ‘77: 8-13

Destruction by high waves ‘73: 4-14

Evil dens within must be removed ‘73: 10-2

Forces of evil ‘77: 9-28

Great destruction ‘79: 5-23, 6-2

Scourging through children ‘77: 9-28

Shall be in great distress ‘73: 12-31

Shall faIl ‘78: 9-13

Citizens of Heaven ‘85: 10-5

Clement XV, agent of 666 ‘74: 12-31

Clenched fist, do not be guided by ‘76: 9-28

Clergy (SEE ALSO Priests and SEE ALSO Nuns)

Accountable for destruction of souls ‘72: 4-1; ‘75: 11-1; ‘81: 6-18

Apathy closes churches ‘77: 6-4, 10-6

“Are human also and subject to error, mistakes, influence, and sometimes, pure evil” ‘89: 6-17

Arrogance, pride ‘77: 10-6; ‘79: 6-18

Beginning to see the light because of prayer and sacrifice ‘76: 9-14

Bring doctrines of demons ‘77: 4-9

Building a church of man ‘78: 7-25

Care more for filling coffers than feeding souls ‘73: 3-18; ‘74: 3-24

Change now or suffer a just punishment and banishment ‘86: 6-18

Choice between cross and serpent ‘79: 10-2

Conform and you will die on the vine ‘77: 11-1; ‘81: 6-13

Deluded by satan ‘74: 9-14; ‘75: 3-22, 8-5; ‘78: 7-25; ‘79: 6-18, 10-2

Did not heed Our Lady’s warnings ‘79: 8-4

Do not have special passport to Heaven ‘84: 4-14

Endure great trial, but not subdued ‘79: 6-9

Example is abominable ‘72: 9-14

Fallen into darkness ‘83: 5-28

Found wanting ‘77: 11-1; ‘79: 11-20

Given to error; must not change words of Bible ‘73: 12-7

Great oppression ‘76: 8-21

Have forgotten prayer, sacrifice and their brothers in purgatory ‘74: 8-14; ‘79: 7-25

Heading for abyss ‘74: 12-24

Infiltrated by evil ones ‘75: 6-5

Intellect without spirit ‘81: 6-18

Jesus rejected by many ‘79: 12-24

Lack of prayer and penance cause souls to faIl ‘79: 8-4

Many deceived by Pentecostals ‘74: 6-15

Many displeasing to Heaven ‘74: 10-2

Many given to pleasures of the flesh, rebel against Vicar ‘74: 7-25; ‘77: 2-10, 7-25; ‘79: 10-6

Many have destroyed their vocation and lost the faith ‘75: 2-10; ‘76: 4-17

“Many have fallen away from the Faith” ‘92: 10-6

Many lost without our prayers ‘75: 8-14

Many on wrong road, road to perdition, and taking souls with them ‘72: 7-25; ‘74: 11-20; 77: 5-18, 6-2, 7-25; ‘79: 8-14; ‘82: 6-18

Many will be taken from earth in next year ‘78: 2-1

Many will not accept Message ‘74: 7-25

Message of urgent warning by Our Lady ‘81: 8-14

Message from Jesus for clergy ‘75: 2-1; ‘81: 11-21

Must accept truth, follow vocations in godliness ‘73: 3-18

Must pray more to know reality of Our Lady’s mission ‘74: 10-6

Must return knowledge of hell and purgatory ‘83: 3-18

Must starve your souls of demons ‘73: 2-1; ‘74: 4-13

Must teach honorably, in Faith and Tradition ‘75: 7-15

Must turn man back to House of God ‘75: 3-22; ‘76: 7-24

Must understand Lucifer is on earth ‘78: 10-6

Not an ordinary man ‘74: 7-25

Not enough prayers for ‘75: 6-5, 8-5; ‘79: 11-20

Not feeding sheep ‘78: 8-5

Not to be involved in politics ‘72: 4-10

Of St. Robert’s ‘75: 4-5

Pray for ‘71: 12-31; ‘72: 8-15; ‘74: 3-18, 7-25, 11-23; ‘75: 6-18; ‘77: 5-18; ‘79: 6-9, 9-14, 11-24; ‘88: 10-1; ‘89: 6-17, 10-2; ‘92: 10-6

Pray for daily ‘89: 6-17

Prayer life almost nil ‘89: 6-17

Promote errors, deception in guise of sanctity, piousness ‘75: 11-22

Refuse Our Lady because of pride and arrogance ‘79: 9-14; ‘81: 6-18, 8-14

Retain statues, monuments ‘79: 7-25

Return to lives of prayer, discipline and holiness ‘74: 11-20; ‘75: 3-29; ‘79: 5-23

Return to traditional rites ‘75: 11-22

Secularizing Church, misguiding and demonizing sheep ‘74: 8-14; ‘79: 5-23

Selling Jesus ‘74: 8-21

Selling souls to get to head ‘74: 8-14; ‘79: 7-25; ‘92: 10-6

Set better example ‘74: 9-13

Shall be shot ‘77: 8-13

So few pray for ‘84: 4-14

Teaching pure in His sight? ‘74: 8-21, 12-24, 12-31; ‘75: 7-15; ‘79: 9-14; ‘81: 11-21

Temptations are far greater than yours ‘84: 4-14

Under heavy attack by satan ‘74: 7-1, 12-6; 76: 12-6

Unreliable ‘78: 7-15; ‘79: 8-14

Walking into a trap ‘71: 12-7

War among ‘76: 7-24

When they understand Veronica’s mission, full recovery of souls will be accom­plished ‘73: 11-24

Where are your straying sheep? ‘75: 11-1

Will cause chastisement ‘78: 5-3

Will not be recognized by Eternal Father if they remove their garments ‘74: 7-25; ‘75: 2-1

Will wash your robes in blood ‘75: 2-1

“Will you not gather Our straying sheep?” ‘76: 7-24

Without prayer cannot escape the Bear ‘80: 10-6

Woe to the clergy who rejects his vocation ‘79: 8-4

Worldliness allows error into Church ‘75: 2-1

Cobra, represents spell satan has cast ‘73: 10-2

Cohabitation, shall not be tolerated ’86: 5-17, 9-27

Cold, many shall die from the ‘85: 10-5

Extremely cold day with start of the Tribulation ‘85: 11-1

Colleges ‘77: 11-21

Comet (SEE ALSO Ball of Redemption) ‘88: 6-18

Eternal Father’s hand steadily rocks back and forth the ‘85: 8-21

Commandments of God ‘77: 5-30, 7-25, 11-1, 11-19, 11-21; ‘78: 3-15, 5-13, 7-25, 9-1, 9-7, 11-25; ‘79: 5-23

Being broken by man’s way of life ‘73: 9-7

Cast aside ‘74: 7-25

Break these rules and you break your spirit ‘75: 2-10

If you break one, you break them all ‘75: 7-25; ‘79: 6-9, 8-4; ‘85: 11-1

If you cast aside, you are lost ‘75: 3-18; ‘76: 1-31; ‘79: 6-2, 8-14, 11-24

Must be followed with discipline ‘74: 11-20; ‘75: 8-5, 9-6, 10-6

Must be prominent in the household ‘74: 3-24

Must not be altered, changed, rationalized ‘76: 1-31, 9-7, 10-2; ‘79: 6-18, 11-20

Return to your homes, schools and government ‘73: 11-24

Supreme commandment is to honor God ‘77: 7-15; ‘82: 6-18

Teach children ‘76: 10-2

Thou shalt not kill ‘70: 12-7; ‘74: 6-8

To protect us from assaults of Lucifer ‘79: 6-18

Communion in the hand ‘71: 2-11; ‘74: 11-1; ‘75: 3-22, 9-6, 10-2; ‘77: 5-14, 11-19; ‘78: 2-10, 7-15

A sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father ’84: 6-30

“Agents of hell seek to ravish My Son’s Body” ’74: 11-23

Body of Christ mocked and abused in satan worship ’77: 2-1

Brought about to desecrate Jesus and take away knowledge of His divine nature ’78: 2-10

Do not take the Host in your hand ’71: 2-11; ’74: 11-1; ’75: 3-22; ’78: 2-10, 7-15

“Has not been, and will not be accepted by Heaven” ‘84: 6-30

Laxity of clergy allowing much disrespect and dishonor to the Eucharist ’74: 12-31

“No man shall render excuses for defilement of My Son’s Body.” ’77: 5-14

“Only God can purify the hands” ‘70: 9-7

Only priests to distribute Holy Communion ’74: 11-1

Promoted by satan ’77: 11-19; ’78: 2-10, 7-15

Receive Communion in the mouth only from the consecrated hands of a priest ’70: 9-7; ’71: 2-11; ’73: 9-28; ’74: 11-1; ’75: 9-6, 10-2; ’77: 2-1, 5-14, 11-1; ’79: 11-20

Sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father ‘84: 6-30

Satan entered the hierarchy and deluded them to allow ’78: 7-15

“The next abomination to My Son’s heart – do not accept His Body in your hands” ’71: 2-11

“You open the door for the entrance of evil spirits to defile My Son’s Body!‽ ’75: 3-22

Communism/Communist ‘79: 5-23, 7-14, 8-4, 8-14, 11-20; ‘86: 5-17; ‘87: 6-18; ‘91: 6-18

All “isms” lead to ‘77: 7-25

Army of satan ‘77: 4-2

Attack by a communist nation ‘88: 10-1

Brutality of ‘87: 10-2

Compromise ‘77: 2-10; ‘78: 2-10

Death of communism “a ruse” AP’91: 12-18; ‘92: 6-18

Do not accept the word of ‘76: 12-28

Do penance, or you will have an empty Chair to be filled by the Bear of communism ’70: 9-28

Destruction in Europe and U. S. ‘78: 11-20

Entering upon the churches ‘87: 10-2

Galloping through the world followed by grim reaper ‘76: 12-31; ‘77: 4-9

Gathering within the Church ‘78: 5-27

Great battle with God’s children ‘77: 6-4

Has control of U. S. ‘77: 4-2; ‘78: 2-1

Has foothold in U.S. and other countries because of lack of prayers ‘87: 10-2

Heaven alerts you to the dangers of ‘85: 7-1

In Rome, the forces are gathering to bring about the capitulation of the Seat of Peter to ’78: 3-18

Is atheism ‘77: 8-5

“Liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell” ‘87: 10-2

"Many who now wear the crown of the Red Hat have become members to this party" ’78: 3-15

Members secretly work for Lucifer ‘78: 11-25

No country shall be free from ‘78: 5-13

One object is to conquer U.S. and all nations ‘85: 9-14

One small arm, only part of the octopus ‘76: 6-12; ‘77: 12-7; ‘78: 5-27

Our Lady’s warning ‘76: 6-12

Part of satan’s web of evil ‘76: 5-15; ‘77: 11-1, 11-19; ‘79: 6-2

Plans to overthrow Rome and control the Church ‘76: 10-6

Pope John Paul II must not allow communism to control Rome ’78: 11-20

Scourge of mankind ‘76: 5-26, 6-5, 6-24, 11-1; ‘77: 2-1, 5-14, 8-5; ’78: 11-20; ’87: 10-2

Seeks to remove Christianity from the earth ‘78: 6-10

Spread throughout Rome and the world ‘75: 12-24; ‘77: 3-18

Tell cardinals/bishops that to save world from communism, Russia must be consecrated ‘89: 6-17

The forces of communism are gaining and will enter upon the Seat of Peter ’78: 3-25

   - "You will recognize, My children, by the directions that shall come from Rome" ’78: 3-25

The red forces of communism shall invade the papal seat ’78: 3-15

"The ugly hand of communism has reached in to desecrate the Body of My Son in His own Church" ’78: 11-25

United States shall not escape the destruction of ’78: 11-20

Will enter upon the Seat of Peter ‘78: 3-15, 3-18, 3-25

Will seek to remove Christianity from the earth ’78: 6-10

Complacent(cy) ‘72: 9-7; ‘78: 6-10, 9-7

Do not become ‘84: 6-18

“I do not speak to frighten you but to try to jar you from your” ‘86: 6-18

Many of the good have become ‘86: 9-27

Compromise ‘74: 4-6; ‘76: 6-18, 8-5, 11-1; ‘77: 2-10, 3-18; ‘78: 5-13, 11-25; 79: 9-7

Compromise Faith and be excommunicated ‘74: 8-21

Will not save nor win souls for Heaven ‘75: 8-5, 11-1, 12-6; ‘76: 12-24

Conception ‘77: 6-18

Eternal Father breathes life into the body at the moment of ‘75: 11-1

Holy Spirit makes the child at time of ‘91: 6-18

Life begins at ‘70: 7-1; ‘74: 3-18, 12-6, 12-28; ‘76: 9-7


Outcome decides Warning and Chastisement ‘78: 8-19

Pray that Seat of Peter not covered with darkness ‘78: 8-19

Preparing for destruction of mankind ‘78: 5-30

Without prayers you will receive one consorting with the devil ‘78: 9-28

Confession ‘75: 11-20; ‘76: 9-7, 10-6; ‘77: 8-13

Must confess mortal sin before receiving Eucharist ‘74: 11-23; ‘76: 9-7

Private communication between penitent and God ‘76: 12-7

Confidence ‘71: 11-20; ‘73: 2-1

Found at the tabernacles ‘76: 12-7

Must become as a child ‘75: 3-29


Approaching mankind ‘76: 1-31

Great loss of life ‘71: 10-2; ‘76: 8-5

Many saints to come out of ‘86: 5-17

Conform to the world and die on the vine ‘78: 4-1, 5-13, 5-27

Confusion, created by satan ‘74: 2-10

Conscience ‘72: 3-25; ‘72: 4-1; ‘73: 11-24; ‘74: 2-1; ‘77: 6-18; ‘78: 5-20; ‘83: 3-18; ‘85: 7-1

Consecration (of the Mass)

Lawfully ordained priests will always have power to bring Jesus in physical Body to you ‘71: 10-7

Some performed in a blasphemous manner ‘77: 7-15

My Son comes in the Consecration, regardless of state of priest’s human nature ‘81: 8-14

Consecration of Russia, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Pope and all bishops (SEE ALSO Fatima)

Besiege Holy Father and bishops for consecration ‘89: 6-17

Consecrate Russia, not world ‘87: 10-2

For a true peace ‘87: 6-6

For years, Our Lady has begged for the ‘85: 8-21

Or there will be no peace ‘87: 6-6

Or you will die ‘84: 4-14

Russia must be consecrated to be converted ‘89: 3-18

To Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart not done by bishops ‘83: 3-18; ‘86: 5-17

Unless done, Russia will continue to sow seeds of discord, discontent and war ‘85: 8-21

Unless done, world will be doomed ‘89: 6-17

Void created by bishops without ‘83: 3-26

“We do not mean the world, My children, We mean Russia!” ‘89: 6-17

Conspiracy ‘71: 12-24; ‘78: 2-10

Against your intermediary between the evil nations ‘76: 1-31

In Rome ‘76: 12-31

Of evil ‘74: 11-1, 11-23; ‘75: 12-6, 12-24; ‘76: 1-31, 2-10, 5-15

To establish union of one world, one church -- godless ‘74: 7-25

To remove Our Lady’s Message from mankind ‘74: 7-25

To remove the word of God ‘74: 3-18

Constant vigilance of prayer (in virtually every Message)

Means daily ‘78: 3-18

Continence ‘74: 3-24

Convent(s) ‘73: 7-1; ‘75: 9-13; ‘77: 6-18, 7-25; ‘78: 4-1, 6-18; ‘85: 7-1; ‘89: 10-2

Abominations/evil in ‘73: 3-25, 5-30; ‘75: 10-2

Bad example ‘73: 12-24

Do not allow world to enter ‘73: 8-21

Do not bring world into ‘90: 6-18

Doors will close ‘74: 11-20

Entrants should be counted by hearts, not intelligence ‘73: 5-30

Invaded by antichrist forces ‘75: 7-25

No TVs in ‘89: 10-2

Of Our Lady of the Roses ‘74: 12-24, 12-31

Pray they will not be empty ‘73: 6-16, 9-13; ‘76: 5-26

Pray to strengthen them from attacks within ‘70: 9-14

Red flag over them ‘75: 4-5

Satan placed many within to destroy ‘73: 5-30

Slowly closing ‘77: 7-15

Statues must be returned ‘73: 12-7

To remain free of all television and radios ‘90: 6-18

Will be refuge ‘75: 10-2, 10-6


All Heaven cries for ‘78: 7-25

Not gained by compromise ‘79: 8-4

Of the unbeliever ‘72: 2-1; ‘79: 6-18

Our Lady promises at Vigil that two souls will be converted ‘71: 10-2

Coptic Orthodox Church

Few in number, but devout ‘86: 5-17

Not with Rome, but will join in the future ‘86: 5-17

Corporal works of mercy ‘79: 9-7

Corruption ‘75: 2-10; ‘77: 8-5, 12-31

Because of sins of man ‘75: 4-5

Eating the heart out of the U. S. ‘77: 9-28

Way of life among the young ‘77: 11-21

Council, Vatican II ‘77: 5-18, 7-25; ‘78: 5-13

Brought forth discord, disunity, and the loss of souls for Heaven ’76: 3-18

Major factor was lack of prayers ‘76: 3-18

Man became deluded in his search for peace and brotherhood ’76: 6-5

Manipulated by satan ‘76: 5-15, 8-5

Satan played you like a chessboard ‘76: 5-15, 8-5

Satan sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort Church doctrine and truth ’86: 6-18

Satan was present and placed his agents among you ‘74: 8-14

Started with good intentions ‘76: 6-5

“You have been deluded. You are on the wrong road” ’74: 8-14


Another will be called ‘74: 2-1

Many shall develop diabolical ventures ‘77: 10-1


Evil will become greater if counsel from Heaven is not heeded ’77: 8-5

From Heaven ‘77: 6-4, 8-13

Seek not from man, when it concerns the soul ‘77- 8-5

Countdown, the ‘77: 4-2, 6-4

Country, your (SEE ALSO United States) ‘78: 6-1

A center for worship of man, worldly treasures ‘73: 8-14

A lost land ‘74:11-20

Blood shall flow in the streets 74:12-31; ‘80: 10-6

Can still be spared much disaster ‘73: 7-25

Cannot withstand evil without prayer, penance and atonement ‘75: 8-21

Capitulation to satan ‘73: 8-5, 12-24; ‘78: 2-10, 9-28

Cleansed by trial ‘74: 4-13; ‘75: 2-10, 3-18, 9-27

Crucible of suffering for ‘73: 12-31; ‘76: 6-18

Death, violations, tribulations and plague ‘74: 2-24, 6-18, 10-2, 12-31

Dragon has entered ‘71: 11-20

Facing great devastation ‘73: 8-21, 9-7

Falling into great sin ‘74: 9-28

Famine, earthquake, tornados, plague ‘74: 2-24, 6-18, 10-2, 12-31

Fast becoming ruled by communist state ‘79: 9-14

Final warning from Eternal Father ‘77: 9-13

First destruction of spiritual life, then material life ‘74: 7-1; ‘76: 10-2

Following road to destruction ‘74: 7-15; ‘75: 2-10, 7-15; ‘78: 7-15; ‘80: 6-18

Given chance to make amends, but failed ‘77: 8-13

Given to corruption, immorality, vice ‘72: 5-10; ‘75: 9-27; 77: 3-18, 9-13; ‘78: 5-3

Given to lust, flesh, satan worship ‘74: 7-15; ‘75: 6-18; ‘76: 5-29, 11-22

Great danger from deception of enemies ‘75: 11-20

Great trial ‘71: 11-20; ‘74: 11-1; ‘77: 2-1; ‘80: 10-6

Has lost knowledge of Father; sin a way of life ‘73: 12-29

In deep darkness of spirit ‘74: 6-18, 9-13; ‘75: 3-22; ‘76: 5-26

Invaded by diabolical force ‘77: 12-7; ‘80: 6-18

Known by its moral values ‘76: 2-10

Must return public prayer, make atonement ‘73: 8-2

Must return to knowledge and belief in the Father ‘75: 3-18

Paganized ‘77: 11-21; ‘78: 3-18, 7-15, 10-6; ‘79: 11-20

Passed through first stage of suffering ‘77: 9-13

People have nourished bodies, but starved souls ‘73: 12-31

Plan against ‘71: 8-21

Planet-struck ‘75: 5-28, 7-25

Protected by Our Lady, but we have rejected Her ‘75: 5-28

Ruled by the man behind the mask (Rockefeller) ‘75: 9-13; ‘77: 4-9

Shall appear as insane ‘77: 4-2

Shall fall into grave error when morals have fallen ‘76: 6-12, 9-7

Shall harvest destruction ‘75: 9-13

Shall know hunger, revolution ‘78: 6-1

Splitting up in the Faith ‘75: 7-25

Strife in government, streets running with blood ‘80: 10-6

That loses morality has one foot already in hell ‘72: 4-1

That turns from their God will be divided ‘72: 4-10

Trial will cleanse ‘72: 8-5

Under guidance of Mary Immaculate ‘75: 7-15

Under Our Lady’s protection, so She is allowed to come and warn us ‘73: 10-2

Unprotected ‘78: 2-1

Wallows in filth ‘74: 7-1; ‘76: 12-31

Why Our Lady comes to the U. S. ‘76: 11-1

Will be cleansed by trial ‘73: 2-10

Will be destroyed when it abandons the Faith and the Commandments ‘79: 11-24

Will fall with dictatorship and murder ‘79: 5-26

Will go into great darkness ‘71: 11-20

Will not be free from the disasters visited elsewhere ‘71: 7-15

Will receive greater chastisement because of luxury and pride ‘76: 5-29

Will have bloodshed, devastation ‘73: 5-10

Will not escape chastisement ‘73: 8-21, 12-7

Will send itself into bondage ‘74: 11-23

Will suffer great atmospheric holocaust ‘73: 12-31

With prayer and penance can escape punishment for a time ‘74: 11-1

Courage, needed in days ahead ‘73: 11-1; ‘74: 9-7; ‘80: 6-18

Covens ‘77: 8-13, 9-13

At least twelve on Long Island using human sacrifice ‘85: 7-1

Long Island now has thirteen ‘85: 11-1

Sacrifice babies and animals ‘85: 11-1

Creation cannot be rationalized ‘77: 7-25

Creature, do not be worshiper of ‘80: 6-18

Crops will rot ‘75: 7-15; ‘76: 8-5; ‘77: 7-15; ‘78: 7-25; ‘83: 5-21, 5-28


Accept with perseverance and confidence ‘76: 5-26

Always heavy ‘75: 2-10; ‘77: 2-1

Being trampled upon ‘79: 9-7, 8-14

Beneath every rose ‘76: 8-21

Carry by trial and suffering ‘76: 10-2

Carry with fortitude and perseverance ‘75: 9-13

Carry without complaint ‘71: 12-7; ‘76: 5-29, 8-21, 9-28, 10-2, 10-6; ‘77: 11-21

Consecration to hearts of Jesus and Mary, mark of cross ‘74: 12-31

Evil men of ‘76: 11-22; ‘77: 2-1, 2-10, 4-9; ‘78: 7-15, 9-13

Fallen ‘79: 9-28

Followers of Jesus must place themselves on it ‘75: 3-18

Given to Veronica by Eternal Father ‘76: 2-10

Great sign of the Son of Man ‘75: 2-1

Many will not be able to stand up under it 76:10-6

Means rejection, persecution ‘75: 5-28

Men of ‘78: 11-20

Must carry even though heavy ‘75: 8-14; ‘77: 5-14, 7-15, 11-1

Of Jesus trampled by agents of satan ‘78: 5-30

Placed upon world ‘74: 7-15; ‘76: 8-5

Recovered from St. Robert’s church ‘75: 11-1

Salvation to many ‘76: 5-15

“Shall you bend it into a cross of mankind?” ‘76: 12-24

Upon American flag in photograph ‘76: 5-29

When the cross is extinguished, there will be great confusion ‘79: 10-2

Will not be heavier than you can carry ‘79: 12-24

Without corpus, symbol of suffering allowed to victim soul ‘75: 6-5

Crown of thorns, placed in basket-weave cap ‘86: 9-27

Cults of satan ‘80: 10-6

At least nine thousand in U.S. and Canada ‘87: 6-18

Dabbling in cannibalism ‘85: 11-1

Five thousand or more in U.S. and Canada ‘88: 6-18

In U.S. taking children from their homes ‘84: 6-30

Major institutions for satan are in the U.S. ‘87: 10-2

Make known the existence of ‘89: 10-2

Many in U.S., Canada and all the nations of the world ‘84: 6-30

Over ten thousand in U.S. and Canada ‘89: 6-17

Vision of satanists dressed in red and black capes ‘88: 6-18

Cup, overflowing ‘77: 2-1; ‘78: 7-15

Cures and conversions ‘72: 3-25; ‘73: 7-1; ‘76: 8-14, 8-21; ‘78: 6-10, 6-18

Accelerated ‘75: 10-6; ‘78: 5-27

Beyond what man has experienced in your country ‘75: 5-28

Countless ‘74: 4-13, 5-22, 7-1, 8-5; ‘75: 8-5; ‘77: 5-30, 6-4; ‘80: 10-6

Cured of incurable affliction ‘75: 8-14

Cures of spirit ‘77: 6-18

For one on the bus ‘74: 9-28

Given to simple of heart ‘76: 7-15

“I come not only to cure bodies but to save souls” ‘70: 9-28

Invalid to walk out of wheelchair ‘88: 6-18

Many have passed unnoticed ‘76: 5-26

Many longing for ‘80: 10-2

Three individuals on grounds receive cures, one conversion ‘85: 7-25

Two massive cures this evening ‘88: 6-18

Two stupendous cures this evening ‘89: 3-18

Two will be cured this evening ‘88: 10-6

Will bring to many the reality of the mission of Heaven ‘76: 12-24


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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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