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Topical Index of Our Lady of the Roses messages


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Galgani, Gemma ‘71: 2-28

Garabandal ‘73: 8-21, 12-24

Believe what you see at ‘74: 7-15

Gating, replace so that others may kneel in adoration ‘85: 8-21


War in western part of ‘84: 6-30

Girls, they no longer sew and play musical instruments ‘74: 10-2

Gloves, wear in all public processions ‘73: 4-22; ‘74: 9-13

Gnashing of teeth ‘76: 10-6, 12-7, 12-28; ‘77: 2-1, 3-18, 4-2, 4-9, 6-16, 9-7, 9-13, 10-1, 10-6; ‘78: 12-7

And woe will be great ‘79: 7-25

And much weeping ‘79: 11-24

Goats are numerous ‘75: 8-5

God is, God was, God always will be ‘72: 3-25, 4-1; ‘73: 4-14, 5-10; ‘80: 10-2; ‘81: 5-30

Holds the key to eternity ‘81: 5-30

Master of the world ‘73: 8-5

Will never change ‘82: 6-18

god(s), there are no gods upon your earth ‘75: 12-24

In no way will man be a little ‘82: 6-18

No man is a ‘84: 6-30

Godlessness ‘74: 6-18

Godliness ‘76: 10-2


And evil ‘76: 4-17; ‘79: 8-14, 9-14, 11-20

Becoming complacent ‘77: 5-28; ‘78: 6-10, 6-18, 12-7

Books ‘77: 5-14, 11-19, 11-21; 78: 2-10, 3-15

- Being cast aside ‘76: 10-2

- Being rewritten ‘75: 2-10

- Changed to cover evil ‘77: 11-19

- Do not believe all you read in ‘76: 5-29

- Do not let them be destroyed ‘74: 6-15, 9-7; ‘76: 10-6; ‘77: 10-6

- Gather, read, save and treasure them ‘72: 4-1; ‘74:12-31; ‘75: 2-10, 8-5, 10-2, 10-6; ‘76: 5-29, 11-1; ‘77: 2-1, 12-7

- Publications prior to 1964 ‘73: 3-25

- Satan destroys ‘79: 6-9

- Still among you ‘76: 9-7

Deeds to be done in secret ‘75: 5-28

Example ‘74: 9-7; ‘86: 6-18

- Can save a dozen ‘85: 10-5

- Very important ‘86: 5-17Of parents, will return children to Faith ‘73: 7-1

- Will lead others back on road to Heaven ‘73: 2-10

- “Good words kept in a closed mouth is like putting meat on a dead man’s grave.” ‘76: 10-6

Gradually being removed ‘77: 7-15

Must suffer with the bad ‘73: 6-16, 11-24; ‘78: 11-20

Persecuted ‘77: 4-9, 11-1

Victims in chastisement ‘75: 3-18

Will be called bad ‘78: 10-6

Win crowns by perseverance ‘75: 8-21

Good Shepherd ‘77: 7-15

Goodness ‘73: 11-24

Gorbachev ‘92: 6-18

Two-legged demon ‘89: 6-17; ‘90: 6-18

Warn Senate and President not to be deceived by ‘90: 6-18

Gospel Truth ‘74: 5-22, 9-28, 11-1; ‘78: 8-5


Of the U. S.

- Agents of satan in ‘72: 5-30

- Controlled by satan ‘72: 9-7; ‘74: 9-13; ‘77: 12-7; ‘80: 6-18

- Debased ‘75: 8-21

- Evil ‘75: 2-10; ‘79: 8-4

- Infiltrated by men of sin ‘75: 6-5, 9-13

- Lawmakers become lax ‘78: 6-18

- Must have God-fearing men ‘74: 11-1

- Warned of evils ‘77: 9-7

Of the world

- Agents of satan in ‘73: 10-6; ‘77: 3-18

- Corruption in ‘75: 2-10; ‘77: 3-18; ‘78: 11-20

- Mind control ‘79: 12-24

- Pray for ‘86: 5-17

- Under satanic delusion 77: 4-2, 5-28, 7-25; ‘78: 5-13

- World government of man ‘77: 9-28

One-world government ’76: 11-20, 12-28; ’77:2-10, 4-2, 7-25, 9-28

- A measure of enslaving all of mankind ’76: 11-22; ’77: 7-25

- Bringing in the reign of the evil one known as the Antichrist of one world ’76: 10-6

- Children being taught world unity ’88: 10-6

- Grand masters gathering to bring mankind under servitude ’76: 12-28

- “I have watched with dismay and sadness of heart as your governments gather together in a united nation” ’77: 3-18

- Major plan of satan to bring about a ’77: 10-1

- Man making ready the full capitulation of the Church under a dictatorship of evil ’76: 11-22

- Many clergy are falling into the plan of the ’78: 7-25

- Many priests, bishops, and cardinals need prayers from the laity that they may be strong enough not to fall into the plan of the one-worlders ’76: 10-6

- New world rule ’77: 8-5

- Part of a web of evil seeking to destroy Christianity ’78: 6-18

- Rockefeller has affiliated all the money powers of the world for a ’75: 9-13

- There are many now in Rome seeking to set up a one-world religion ’75: 12-27

- Under a supreme dictator of evil ’78: 3-18

- Under one fold of a dictator ’76: 11-20

- United Nations, a brood of vipers ’71: 12-7; ’72: 2-1

- United Nations, has set itself up to govern the world’s peoples and lead them to destruction ’71: 12-7

- United Nations: “This group of satan” ’74: 9-13

- United States must send from its shores the United Nations ’75: 9-13

- Will cast aside Jesus ’76: 12-28; ’77: 12-7

- Will not be a godly government, it will be one of communistic nature ’88: 10-6

- Your country and the world heading fast towards a ’75: 3-18; ’88: 10-6

Grace(s) ‘76: 9-7; ‘78: 5-30, 6-1, 6-18

Accept all ‘77: 2-10

Are given and can be removed ‘88: 10-1; ’77: 6-4

All are given now, baptism of purity, sanctity, fidelity, valor ‘79: 5-23

Cast aside ‘74: 11-1

Come only from Heaven ‘78: 4-1

Cure and conversion ‘73: 6-16; ‘74: 7-15; ‘75: 7-25

Enemy will seek to strip you of manner of receiving them ‘75: 11-20

Extra given on anniversary date ‘76: 6-18

Falling on the people ‘73: 5-30; ‘75: 3-22; ‘76: 12-28; ‘77: 6-4, 10-1

For cure and conversion ‘72: 8-14

For the asking ‘72: 5-10; ‘73: 12-24; ‘74: 5-22

Gained on earth are credentials for Heaven ‘73: 10-6

Gather and store for entrance into Kingdom ‘74: 11-1

Gather and treasure; difficult in future ‘75: 5-17

Gathered through works ‘77: 3-18

Given because of prayers of another ‘73: 4-14

Given for doing Father’s work ‘73: 10-6

Given for ransoming of souls ‘73: 3-25

Given in abundance from hallowed grounds ‘70: 10-6; ‘72: 5-30, 8-14; ‘74: 2-1, 3-24, 10-2

Given in strange ways ‘78: 2-10

Given so you will be champions in the battle ‘73: 2-10

Great day will dawn for man ‘75: 5-17

Have been accepted by only a few ‘73: 3-25

“I send upon you a full garden of roses in graces.” ‘78: 12-7

In your world of corruption and evil, you cannot gather enough ‘85: 9-14

Man fallen from ‘78: 5-13

Manifestation ‘73: 12-29, 12-31; ‘75: 2-10, 12-24; ‘79: 6-18

Many are never accepted ‘73: 7-15

Must be earned for others ‘73: 3-24

Needed to open mind and heart to light ‘77: 4-2

Needed to remain free from contaminations ‘78: 2-1

Not counted in your collection plates ‘79: 8-4

Not given to closed heart ‘75: 2-1

Not sought by clergy ‘78: 5-3

Rays from Our Lady’s hands ‘73: 8-14

Save and avoid purgatory 74: 8-14

Sent from Jesus ‘77: 5-30, 6-16

Share with others ‘75: 9-27; ‘81: 6-13

Slowly disappearing from earth ‘79: 12-24

Special gift from God ‘79: 6-9

Store in Heaven ‘70: 8-21; ‘74: 4-6, 6-15; ‘77: 7-25, 8-5, 11-1

Those who fall away will find it most difficult to return ‘79: 10-6

Those who reject shall be lost ‘77: 8-13; ‘79: 8-4

To chase demons from households and the Church ‘73: 8-14

To save yourselves and those you love ‘73: 7-1

To strengthen many who will face persecution ‘78: 11-20

Utilize every means ‘77: 12-7

When many are given, much is expected ‘71: 12-7; ‘72: 4-10; ‘78: 5-3; ‘79: 10-6

Grace Pera ‘85: 9-7

Grand Masters ‘75: 9-13; ‘76: 5-26, 11-20, 11-22, 12-28

A Grand Master heads the international conspiracy of evil ’76: 5-26

Gathering to bring mankind under servitude ’76: 12-28

Media fully controlled by the ’76: 11-22

Seek to govern the lives of all ’76: 12-28

Seeking to bring about a one-world government and religion ’76: 11-22

There sets in your country masters of great control ’75: 9-13

Those who seek to enslave your world ’76: 5-26

Great heat ‘83: 6-18

Grim reaper ‘76: 11-22

Guitar, creation of satan ‘85: 9-7


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We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy.  Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.

"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." - Our Lady of the Roses,  May 26, 1976

"As disciples of the latter days, My children, much shall be asked of you, but I assure you:  all that you give in faith and charity shall be returned to you threefold." - Jesus, June 1, 1978

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