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These Last Days News - July 2, 2015

Vatican Representative Endorses UN Sustainable Development Goals, Including Abortion and Contraception...

“I give, as your God, a warning to all bishops and cardinals to stop!  Hasten to review the past.  The fruits have been rotten, and I am about to shake you from the vine!  Do not starve My sheep!  There are many sheep to gather.  The pastures are rich but the sheep grow thin.  They are starving for the spirit of light.”  -
Jesus, September 7, 1978

"The present leaders of My Church in the city of Rome, in your arrogance you have set up My Church without honor, without holiness!  In the name of peace and brotherhood, you have whittled away the foundation.  I am the foundation!  You must now rebuild My Church, for a church in darkness wears a band of death about it.  I say unto you; it is better that there are few with quality than quantity with nothingness.
     "The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled.  I say unto you, that satan has entered into the Holy City of Rome.
     "You have been warned in the past by the descendants of Peter to guard My Church from humanism, modernism and satanism.  When the world and My Church become as one, know that the end is at hand.  Many of the descendants of Peter, men of knowledge and piety, gave you the reasons for shunning modernism and liberal attitudes.  Many of those wearing the Red Hats have sold their souls to satan to get to the head.” 
- Jesus, December 31, 1977

LepantoInstitute.org reported on July 1, 2015:

On 22 June, just four days after Pope Francis promulgated the encyclical on the environment, Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations gave a formal statement to the United Nations on the “Zero Draft, Post-2015 Development Agenda.”  As an Apostolic Nuncio, the Archbishop represents Pope Francis himself and, in effect, is speaking on his behalf.  In his statement he said:

We support the verbatim inclusion of the sustainable development goals and targets as in the Report of the OWG (Open Working Group).” (emphasis added) Toward the end of the statement, the Archbishop added, “We would strongly encourage the use and coordination of all sources of financing to achieve the SDGs and development in general.

The Lepanto Institute, in coordination with several other organizations, has reached out to Archbishop Auza for clarification.  After a week, there has been no response.  The Vatican ‘s new nuncio to the UN may not realize that the SDGs as written will most definitely lead to an expansion of abortion and contraception promotion in the developing world, however the Archbishop’s statement will make it easier for the UN to implement this program according to its own agenda.

Archbishop Auza’s statement doesn’t merely provide support for the Sustainable Development Goals , it’s an endorsement of every single word of the SDGs in their current written form!  And written very clearly into the Sustainable Development Goals, in the very report referenced by Archbishop Auza, is the inclusion of “sexual and reproductive rights,” “sexual and reproductive health services,” and “family planning services.”  Here is what the Zero Draft report of the Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals says.

Paragraph 23, under the heading “The New Agenda”:

“To extend life expectancy for all, we must achieve universal health No one must be left behind. We commit to accelerating the progress made to date in reducing infant, child and maternal mortality by ending all preventable deaths of infants, children and expectant mothers by 2030. We shall ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for family planning, information and education. We will equally accelerate the pace of progress made in fighting malaria, HIVIAIDS, tuberculosis and other communicable diseases and epidemics. At the same time we shall devote greater effort to tackling non-communicable diseases.” (emphasis added)

“Universal access” means access without any form of regulation or restriction.  The word “services” is not to be equated with “practices,” such as natural family planning. In other words, the “new agenda” means the provision of the full range of contraceptive drugs and devices, including abortifacients, without restriction.  The “information and education” portion means the dissemination of sexually-explicit, contraception-promoting literature and programs intended to indoctrinate men, women and children in the use of all forms of contraception.

Goal Three of the Sustainable Development Goals, according to the Zero Draft report, had the noble-sounding objective of “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.”  However, one of the objectives listed for achieving this goal is, “By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, infonnation (sic) and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes.”

Goal five is even worse.  The stated goal is to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls,” and the last listed objective under this goal is to “ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action.”

The key to understanding this is knowing what was agreed upon in the “Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development” and the “Beijing Platform for Action.”  Bear in mind that the Archbishop representing Pope Francis at the United Nations said that “We support the verbatim inclusion of the sustainable development goals and targets as in the Report of the OWG.”

The Programme of Action adopted at the International Conference on Population and Development makes abundantly clear that “reproductive health” means all forms of contraception and “safe, legal abortions.”  Paragraph 7.6 defined what is meant by reproductive health, indicating that in addition to the provision of “family planning services” and sex education, reproductive health also means providing referrals for “family planning services.”  It also says that reproductive health includes abortion, as specified in paragraph 8.25.

Paragraph 8.25 is quite clear.  While abortion is not to be suggested as a form of “family planning,” it specifies that expanded access to family planning services must be given the highest priority in preventing “unwanted pregnancies.”  Furthermore, this section does not prohibit abortion as an action of “sexual and reproductive health,” saying that “in circumstances where abortion is not against the law, such abortions should be safe.”

All of this goes back to the Sustainable Development Goals with regard to the definition of “reproductive health.”  There can be no doubt that the terms “sexual and reproductive health”mean the full range of contraceptives including abortifacients, and safe abortions.  The Zero Draft of the Sustainable Development Goals also indicated that the Beijing Platform for Action is another  document helping to define reproductive health.  Paragraph 94 of the Beijing Platform for Action reads like a Planned Parenthood brochure:

94. Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. Reproductive health therefore implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. Implicit in this last condition are the right of men and women to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable methods of family planning of their choice, as well as other methods of their choice for regulation of fertility which are not against the law, and the right of access to appropriate health-care services that will enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth and provide couples with the best chance of having a healthy infant. In line with the above definition of reproductive health, reproductive health care is defined as the constellation of methods, techniques and services that contribute to reproductive health and well-being by preventing and solving reproductive health problems. It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations, and not merely counselling and care related to reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases.

On the eve of the promulgation of Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Laudate Si, The Lepanto Institute published an analysis of the genesis of the encyclical itself.  In that analysis, we expressed deep concerns because a document published by the UNFPA (United Nation’s Population Fund) indicated that in relation to the new encyclical, Pope Francis had thrown the full weight of the Catholic Church behind the Sustainable Development Goals.  Once the encyclical was published, it was clear that paragraph 169 of Laudate Si gave an endorsement of the SDGs, and at the promulgation ceremony itself, Dr. Carolyn Woo, president of Catholic Relief Services actively pushed the SDGs in her speech.

Very clearly, the prediction made by the Lepanto Institute is indeed being fulfilled.  The scary thing is that the Vatican’s support for the Sustainable Development Goals is unqualified and includes the UN’s language that indicates contraception as a form of population control.

The Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See at the United Nations, Archbishop Bernardito Auza gave complete, unreserved, and unrestricted support and endorsement of the Sustainable Development Goals AS WRITTEN.  He said, “We support the verbatim inclusion of the sustainable development goals and targets as in the Report of the OWG.”  As it has been demonstrated, the Sustainable Development Goals, as written, include unrestricted access to the full range of contraception, including abortifacients, and “safe abortion.”

There are only four possibilities regarding this situation:

  1. Either he didn’t read the full document, and accepted someone’s summary of it
  2. He was handed a document OTHER than the one published on the web
  3. He doesn’t know how “reproductive health” is defined by the UN documents cited, or
  4. (God Forbid!) the Archbishop believes it is important to adopt all aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals, including access to contraception and “safe abortion.”

We have no reason to believe that possibility number four is the case.  However, whatever the reason for the statement, it is clear that such a strong statement of support will strengthen and embolden the population control agenda of the United Nations through the Sustainable Development Goals.  The simple solution would be for the Vatican to make its support of the SDGs contingent upon the exclusion of abortion and contraception, both in act and in promotion.  In fact, a stronger statement would be for the Vatican to announce that it will actively oppose the Sustainable Development Goals should contraception or abortion have ANY place in them whatsoever.

We must all pray and fast for Archbishop Auza and for Pope Francis.

In the mean time, contact the Archbishop and respectfully and urgently ask him not to support the Sustainable Development Goals.

Tel: (212) 370-7885

Email this page to a friend.

"My children, what I have warned you of the past is developing fast in Rome. The agents of 666 now are in full control of the Curia. O My children, I beg you, as your Mother, to pray and pray for your Vicar. Do much penance and acts of atonement for your bishops. Many shepherds have fallen asleep. Satan has poisoned the minds of many. The doors of the Eternal City of Rome were opened and demons entered to wreak havoc in the House of My Son.”
  - Our Lady, June 18, 1977

"Are you so blind that you do not recognize the acceleration of sin among you? Murders abound, thievery, all manner of carnage, destruction of young souls, abortion, homosexuality, condemned from the beginning of time by the Eternal Father. Yet sin has become a way of life. Sin is condoned now, even unto the highest judge of your land and your lands throughout the world. As you have sown so shall you reap. Sin is death, not only of the spirit, but of the body. Wars are a punishment for man's sin, his greed, his avarice." - Our Lady of the Roses, August 14, 1981

We urgently need your prayers and financial support to be able to continue to create these web pages.  Click here... Thank you in advance.

We strongly encourage you to print and/or email copies of this web page to all the bishops and clergy.  Also, email or mail a copy of this web page to the news media and as many other people as possible.     Email a copy of this page to everyone you know.

 When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have Our Lady's hand in your hand.  When you pray the Holy Rosary, you have the power of God in your hands.  Start now!  Let's All Pray the Rosary Together Around the World for God to Restrain Archbishop Auza and Pope Francis from Error... Click here...

Our Lady of the Roses Awesome Bayside Prophecies... http://www.tldm.org/Bayside/
These prophecies came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995:

"My children, I am certain that you all are familiar with the corruption and the evil that has entered upon your government and all of the governments throughout your world. I have watched with dismay and sadness of heart as your governments gather together in a united nation. I feel that they have surrendered themselves now to the enemies of your God, for the major powers are gaining forces, forces of evil to destroy their fellow men." - Jesus, March 18, 1977

“The Faith is being attacked in My House upon earth, My Church, and many of My clergy are falling into the plan with the octopus, the great world powers that seek to gather all nations into a rule of a one-world government and a one-world religion based on humanism and modernism.” - Jesus, July 25, 1978 

"Know that when they have given over My Church to the world, and as satan deludes them to unite all into a one-world religion and a one-world government, you are enslaved and it is the end!" - Jesus, April 2, 1977

"The octopus of evil, the international conspiracy of evil, has at its head a Grand Master. I cannot at this time, My children, reveal in entirety the order of succession of those who seek to enslave your world." - Our Lady of the Roses, May 26, 1976

"Your country and many countries throughout your world have already fallen. They have now been entered upon by the giant political machine that seeks to enslave the world--the octopus of evil. For the love of money, prestige, and power, many shall sell their souls to get to the head. O My children, when My Son returns, will He find even a small flicker of faith left in your hearts?" - Our Lady of the Roses, May 29, 1976

"Do not be misled by the outer clothing of man, for there are many wolves in sheep's clothing, wearing the apparel of rank. Know that many have given themselves to satan.
     "Pray, pray much for those who wear the highest mitres, for they, too, have set themselves onto the road to hell. Your prayers and your acts of sacrifice and those who hear My voice, pray much for the Red Hats that have gone onto the wide road."  - Our Lady, October 2, 1974

"We ask that you pray much. Pray for those in the House of God who have lost their way. Many mitres are now going onto the road to perdition. Pray for them, for it is of great sorrow to Our hearts to see a man of God fall from his mission.  
     "Satan has entered into the highest places of the Church.
     "Pray much. I have asked you in the past to help patch the cracks. The bark of Peter flounders.
     "You will stand fast with Our Vicar. Do not allow your hearts, through your ears and human senses, to be misled. The enemies of God send out false interpretations.”  - Our Lady, April 13, 1974

"Control—you must know, my child, and tell the world that satan has control now of many major positions in the House of God, in the Eternal City of Rome. Traitors surround your Vicar. His sufferings are great.
     "Already they have chosen his successor. But pray, my children, pray much that he does not be removed, for woe to the world! The crucifixion of the Mystical Body of Christ! Woe to mankind!"
     Veronica -  Now Michael is stepping back, and he's now pointing with his spear. He has a spear in his right hand. He's pointing with his spear now, and he's pointing to a cardinal. And he's now writing above his head: "W".
     Now he's going over—I should be able to see him; he's standing right in front of him, and he's pointing to the next cardinal, and he's writing above his head: "A".
     And he's then going to the next one—he's sitting way over at the end, though, and he's writing above his head: "S".
     Now he's coming forward, and he's pointing his spear with disdain at a "V", a big "V". A big "V" now is appearing on the head of, I guess he's a bishop, or archbishop. He's wearing the same kind of a, like a . . . a . . . he's got a biretta-like, one of those little round hats. It's sort of a purplish color. And now above his head is written the letter "V".
     Now Michael is bending forward.
     St. Michael - "They are the initials, my child. You will pray for them, and ask many of earth's children to pray that they come out of the darkness. Their souls wallow in sin. They are blinded, and they are misleading those under their rule.
     "V. does much damage to the Holy Father [Pope Paul VI] by changing his correspondence. V. rewrites his letters. V. censors his mail. He did not, my child, receive the medals you sent to him. He did not receive your correspondence, my child. The Holy Father shall receive his knowledge from Mary, the Queen of Heaven and his Mother."  - St. Michael, August 21, 1974

"I have told you, counseled you in the past, that sin is insanity. Your world and its people are involved--they walk as on a treadmill, seeking power and money and material goods and pleasure. And they go round and about, never stopping as the world plunges faster to the abyss.” – Our Lady of the Roses, August 4, 1979 

"We hold the pastors of My Son's House, We hold them as being responsible for the fall of the children.  Be ye warned now, My children, that woe to the man who has this responsibility upon his conscience and his soul.  Scandals have been brought into the lives of your children.  Perversion, homosexuality, immorality, perverted sex, My children-where shall you stop but at the abyss!" Our Lady of the Roses, December 7, 1977

"Man shall not condone evil or rationalize sin. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God and man! The Creator condemns those who do not repent of this sin." Our Lady of the Roses, August 5, 1977

"And the great issue now of homosexuality in your country, that shall be on the balance that Michael holds.  Unless this balance is evened by removing this evil from your country and bringing in just laws to prevent the spread of homosexuality, you cannot be saved; your country cannot be saved.  Because I repeat again, as I have repeated in the past:  When a country has given itself over to immorality and all pleasures of the flesh, and abominations of the flesh, then that country will fall!  If you do not believe Me, My children, I say:  You will read your history books, and you will find out that there was a Sodom and Gomorrah.  And what did We do to that abominable city, Sodom?  We destroyed it!  And what did We do to Gomorrah?  We destroyed it!  And We destroyed all who did not follow the plan for their redemption." Jesus, November 1, 1985 

"My children, in the past My Church, My people have gone through crucibles of suffering, but I say unto you: My House, My Church upon earth is passing through a trial far greater than any in past history. Lucifer and his agents now are working with diligence and are most successful at this moment in their striving to topple the Seat of Peter and to place in Rome a pope that is the antipope of history."
- Jesus, June 18, 1978

"For sin is always a forerunner for war, My children:  murders, persecutions, robberies, all manners of sins of the flesh, homosexuality, lesbianism, perversion, sodomy.  Sodom and Gomorrah fell for less sins than you have committed now upon your earth.  Noah took to the ark and the world was in a better state spiritually than your world now; for you have accepted a sophisticated manner of sin, based on man's reasoning and not God's truth." Our Lady of the Roses, October 2, 1979 

"Any country that allows homosexuals to roam and to seduce the young shall be destroyed."  Our Lady of the Roses, June 30, 1984

"My child and My children, I come once more with an urgent and pleading message to the hierarchy in the Church, My Church upon earth. I want you to know now that We look upon you and find many that do not fall into grace. They are falling out of grace and misleading many of Our sheep.
     "Therefore, I warn you now as your God: You will stop your intricacies within My Church. You will stop experimenting. I gave you the rules to follow many years ago, two thousand years approximately. And why now, two thousand years later, do you deem it necessary to change My Church upon earth? I, your God, say to you, you will be judged accordingly. You will return My Church to its former glory, and in that manner you will have more vocations and more entering the seminaries, and not fleeing from them as they hear the heresies and all other innovations that are going on within My Church. This is My last and final word to My clergy: Change now or suffer a just punishment and banishment." - Jesus, June 18, 1986

"The sacredness of marriage and the married life of man and woman must not be destroyed by debased sensuality. It is a private consummation between man and woman and the family. It is not an object of derisive laughter and scornful jokes, My children. 
    "Your actions are observed by the Eternal Father Who looks into your heart. Pure thoughts, pure mind, pure spirit--what goes into the heart will come out." - Our Lady of the Roses, August 21, 1975

"Pray constantly your Rosary, your beads of prayer to Heaven. Remain unified in your family lives. The institution of your country--the great foundation is based on family life. Destroy the family and you destroy your country." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 18, 1980

"My children, if you could only recover the peace and quiet of spirit that was once much evident in your homes and now has been replaced by all manner of creations of Satan, creations that distract the minds of the innocent....
    "The parents of many have fallen into the error of feeding the body and starving the young souls. These souls, in the eyes of the Eternal Father, are young flowers that must be nourished with pure waters of truth, purpose, dedication to the road--place them on the road that will lead to the eternal Kingdom of God your Father in Heaven." - Our Lady of the Roses, July 24, 1976

"Families, bring honor to your homes. Fathers, be a father; discipline your children. Mothers, do not discard your role as the mother. Why have you sought to stand side by side with your husband without being subservient to him? You have lost your honor. The example you give to your children can lead them nowhere but into the darkness. A strong tree will bear good fruit. A tree that is fed with impure waters will not grow to maturity, but will die and wither on the vine." - St. Joseph, March 18, 1974

"Man shall not seek to create life by artificial means, for you destroy the very nature of your humanity. And you shall receive for such actions a just punishment, in chastisement from the Eternal Father." - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1979

"We are quite pleased with the words the Spirit sent unto man that the family that prays together will stay together, My child. No truer a message was ever coined. The family that prays together will stay together." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 18, 1974

Directives from Heaven... http://www.tldm.org/directives/directives.htm

D129 - Third Secret, Part 1 - 666 in Rome  PDF Logo PDF 
D130 - Third Secret,  Part 2 - Satan entered the Church in 1972  PDF Logo PDF 
D131 - Third Secret,  Part 3 - Satan in highest realms of the hierarchy  PDF Logo PDF 
D132 - Third Secret,  Part 4 - Bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal PDF Logo PDF 
D133 - The Apocalypse / Revelations PDF Logo PDF 
D155 - Antipope of History PDF Logo PDF 
- Excommunication   PDF Logo PDF  Order copies...
- Wrath of God   PDF Logo PDF  Order copies...
D190 - Cardinals, Part 1   PDF Logo PDF  Order copies...
D191 - Cardinals, Part 2   PDF Logo PDF  Order copies...
D192 - Cardinals, Part 3   PDF Logo PDF  Order copies...
D211 - Changes, Part 1   PDF Logo PDF  Order copies...
D212 - Changes, Part 2   PDF Logo PDF  Order copies...
D223 - Adultery & Divorce  PDF Logo PDF  Order copies...
D224 - Restore America to One Nation Under God
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D265 - The Papacy  PDF LogoPDF  Order copies...   
D299 - All That Is Rotten Will Fall
 PDF LogoPDF   Order copies...
D318 - A Man-made Morality and Theology
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D340 - Signs of the Times
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D341 - No Evil Is Ever Triumphant
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D357 - Spiritual Combat  PDF LogoPDF  Order copies...
D433 - This Generation, Part 1
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D434 - This Generation, Part 2 PDF LogoPDF  Order copies...

EDITOR'S COMMENT:  Evil is accelerating and the Anti-Christ forces are gaining power in the world.  When the persecution starts, all Christian web sites on the internet will be forced to close.  Be sure to have in your possession all the following items: the Bayside Prophecy books, Bayside Medals, Douay-Rheims Bibles, the Protection Packets, Candles, Sacramentals, and Religious Books.  Purchase these items now while they are still available!  You will urgently need them in the days ahead.  Also, you can print out all PDF files for the Directives from Heaven and all of the Bayside Prophecies.  Copy Our Lady's messages and the Directives from Heaven now while they are still available!  Pray to the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance on how to prepare now and for the days ahead when the Antichrist is revealed.  Viva Cristo Rey!


Homosexuality a disorder:

"Homosexuality is not hardwired," concludes head of the Human Genome Project

Expert research finds homosexuality more dangerous than smoking

What the Saints say about the sin of homosexuality

Pope Benedict: homosexuals destroy themselves

Pope Benedict blasts 'dismal theories' on gays

U.S. sexuality survey shows homosexuals 107% more likely to engage in criminal activities

Great Britain study says 43% of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals have a mental disorder

Spanish Archbishop refers to homosexuality as an "epidemic" and a "fount of psychological problems and painful frustrations"

Canadian Bishop: The State must curtail homosexuality for the common good

Homosexuality and Hope: excerpts taken from a document by the Catholic Medical Association

Ghana bans homosexual conference, says its "culture, morality and heritage totally abhor homosexual and lesbian practices"

Gay marriage:

Vatican: Gay marriage evil

John Paul II calls gay marriage part of "ideology of evil"

Top Vatican Cardinal: gay marriage is "a crime which represents the destruction of the world"

Canadian Cardinal warns Senate of impending anti-Christian prosecution with gay 'marriage'

Maryland Catholic bishops identify "coordinated effort" in homosexual war on the family

America: Slouching towards Gomorrah

John Paul II urges authorities to stop gay marriages

There are 4 Things You Must Have to Survive the End Times:

1.) The Douay-Rheims Holy Bible...

"I ask that all who hear My voice will take their Bibles, and if they do not have one, search, but find the right Bible, those printed not after 1965, My children." -  Jesus, October 5, 1985
     "You must all obtain a copy of the Book of life and love, the Bible. Do not accept the new mods. Try to find in your bookstores the old Bibles, My children, for many are being changed to suit the carnal nature of man.  I repeat, sin has become a way of life." - Our Lady, October 6, 1992  
    "I must ask you all to read but a few short chapters a day now, the Book of life and love, your Bible. Knowledge must be gained for all the disciples of My Son, for you will be attacked by scientific minds. But do not be concerned what you will say to them when accosted, for the words will be given to you by the Spirit." - Our Lady, April 10, 1976 
    The Douay-Rheims Bible was published in 1899.  It is the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.  Almost all other Bibles have been rewritten by Satan.   See: http://www.tldm.org/directives/d33.htmhttp://www.tldm.org/directives/d415.htm and http://www.tldm.org/directives/d182.htm   If you don't have a Douay-Rheims Bible order it now!  (Order Form)  Yours and your loved ones salvation could depend on it. 
    Read the Bible cover to cover.  If you read 4 chapters a day, you will complete the whole Bible in 334 days.  I have read the Bible 2 times and working on the third time.  A 75 year old Baptism gentleman told me that he and his wife have read the Bible nine times.  Wow!

2.)  The Complete Virgin Mary’s Bayside Prophesies in 6 Paperback Books...

The Virgin Mary brings directions from God, the Father in Heaven on how to survive the end times.  God, the Father, through the Virgin Mary, tells what is coming, how to prepare for it, how to survive it, and how to even stop it.  These six volumes along with the Bible are most important to save yourself and your loved ones.  Order it now.  Tomorrow may be to late.  These 6 pocket size paperback books costs $33.00.   (Order Form)

3.)  Heaven's Home Protection Packet...

Heaven’s Home Protection Packet...
Our Lord stated we must have crucifixes upon the outside of all of our outside doors. In the "Heaven’s Home Protection Packet" there are instructions, four crucifixes, a tube of special cement for wooden or metal crucifixes. Wooden crucifixes adhere better to the doors when the aluminum strap is removed from the back. Put a light coat of cement on the back of the crucifix and then press it to the outside of the door. If you have any problems, you can call us at 616-698-6448 for assistance. This Heaven’s Home Protection Packet is available for a donation of $10.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Send $14.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P15  (Order Form)

Crucifix on front and back door...  The only real protection against terrorists...
Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And, also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors." (6-30-84) (Testimonies of lives and homes saved by the crucifixes.)  http://www.tldm.org/news/crucifix.htm    (Order Form)

4.) Heaven's Personal Protection Packet...

Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet . . .
Our Lady tells us to be protected from all evil, we must wear the following sacramentals around our necks: a Rosary, a crucifix, the St. Benedict medal, Our Lady of the Roses medal, the Miraculous Medal, and the scapular. We have all of these sacramentals in a packet we call "Heaven's Personal Protection Packet." This packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. Item # P5  (Order Form)

    Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers promises to help protect our children. On September 13, 1977, She said, "He has an army of ogres wandering now throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. They are in possession of great power; so wear your sacramentals, and protect your children and your households. Learn the use every day of holy water throughout your household. Insist even with obstructions, insist that your children always wear a sacramental. One day they will understand that they will repel the demons."
    On February 1, 1974, Our Lady said, "My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors."
    This Heaven’s Personal Protection Packet is available for a donation of $7.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. Send $10.00 to TLD Ministries, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331. You may use your MasterCard, VISA, or American Express and call 1-616-698-6448.  Item # P5
(Order Form)

Incredible Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada book . . .
We have researched the Bayside Prophecies on the United States and Canada and put these outstanding prophecies in a 360 page pocket size paperback book.   Veronica said it was very good.  It tells what is going to happen here and how to prepare for it.  Every North American must read this book!  Item #B2 Cost $5.00 (Order Form)

Your names have been written in Heaven… "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for your names have been written in Heaven.... But with this great grace you have great responsibility to send this Message from Heaven throughout the world, for if you are able to recover just one more for Heaven, an additional star shall be placed in your crown." - Jesus, August 5, 1975

A great obligation to go forward... "It is not by accident that you are called by My Mother, for it is by merit and the prayers that have risen to Heaven for your salvation.  For those who have received the grace to hear the Message from Heaven, you have a great obligation to go forward and bring this Message to your brothers and sisters.  Do not expect a rest upon your earth, for you will have eternal rest very soon." - Jesus, June 12, 1976

The sin of omission...  "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy.  I repeat:  not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell."  Our Lady of the Roses,  October 6, 1980

My gift to help spread Our Lady of the Roses' messages to the world.  

We encourage everyone to print or email copies of this web page to all the Bishops and all the clergy.  Also, email or send this web page to the news media and as many people as possible.

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July 29, 2018