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Pope Benedict XVI Needs to Fire Some Bishops...

"Pray, My children, for there is a great decision coming upon mankind. I cry bitter tears of remorse and anguish. It is not the wish of Heaven that there be a division in My Son's Church. Pray, My children.
    "The way back is very simple. O shepherds of Our flock, return to your teachings. Set aside your false pride, for pride will always come before the fall. It is a simple rule and lesson given to you by your prophets, the founding Fathers of My Son's Church, chosen by Him. Bring back these rules of discipline. Do not set upon the world this heavy cross of division in My So
n's Church. Do not experiment. Cast out the heretics. Cast out the secret societies. Cast out from among you those who have given themselves to satan. Cast out with excommunication the heretics." - Our Lady, September 28, 1976

Every Pope knows that he lives and works in an historical context. Unlike the rest of us, his daily duties and administrative tasks – both large and small - will fill the pages of history books that future scholars, and even subsequent Pontiffs, may consult for guidance and direction. One would think that this Scholar- Pope, Benedict XVI, must himself be an historian at heart who is sensitive to his place in history.

He has certainly suggested that when he publicly pondered, not without significant controversy, the words of an ancient Byzantine ruler who asked what had Islam brought to humankind beside Jihad. The Holy Father was right to ask the question in today’s historical context and his essential point, despite typical Muslim overreaction, was worthy of consideration.

Notwithstanding that flap, history is a resource that could serve our Pope again at this time. I believe the Holy Father should consider the convictions and methods of yet another towering figure of the past who had the right idea of how to lead in a crisis, indeed in a war, and especially when his subordinates were not supporting the mission. Only our Lord Jesus Christ has had more written about Him than the American war time leader I have in mind.

Let there be no mistake – Pope Benedict is the leader of a Church in crisis. With all due respect to the Holy Father, I think he would benefit from considering how our 16th President handled some very familiar personnel problems in the midst of another great crisis.

The Catholic Church is, in fact, in a war for the souls of its current children and for future generations with its enemies assailing it from both outside and inside its walls. Although Matthew 16:18 assures us that the “gates of Hell shall not prevail” in the enemy’s attempted destruction of this Church Christ Himself founded, the fear is for the eternal loss of the countless souls that the Church is unable to save in the midst of the ongoing battles and internal treason.

Easily researched statistics prove that the Church has, since the close of the Second Vatican Council, obviously lost much of its previous ability, credibility and resolve to lead human kind to eternal salvation. The Modernist takeover of the Church’s sacramental life has predictably put the Church in a liturgical tailspin and few Catholics today have even the basic catechetical knowledge, much less the sanctifying grace, that Catholics in ages past have relied on to keep lit that flame of faith in their communities, in their homes, and in their own hearts. The dispatches from the front –where we all live – are quite bleak and the progressive enemy is on the march.

Not since Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War has a “Commander in Chief” been so poorly served by the leaders he, and his predecessor, had appointed to help serve and save the institution which he was elected to lead. Lincoln’s chronic burden during the Civil War was to find a general he could count on to embrace the President’s sense of the mission and continually take the fight to the enemy.

The President himself, like the Pope, could not be on every field of battle but, with the right supreme general officer diligently guiding subordinate officers with the troops in the field, and tending to the proper tactics and details, the tide of victory could be changed.

Lincoln was not afraid to dump a General who was not getting the job done for the Union army. First there was General Irvin McDowell, he was replaced by George B. McClellan, then came John Pope, then McClellan again, to be followed by Ambrose E. Burnside, Joseph Hooker, George G. Meade, and then, finally, Ulysses S. Grant.

The President was forced to make these changes after witnessing insubordination, ineffectiveness and, at times, total incompetence. The Pope today must know the feeling. Fortunately for the President, and the United States of America, Lincoln was able to settle on one man who accepted the mission with the resolve to see the job to the end. The rest, as they say, is history.

Rome correspondent Hilary White, writing for LifeSiteNews.com, reported on February 5, 2010, that Scottish bishops, in town for their “ad limina” visit with the Holy Father, received “another stern talking to” by the Pope. The news from the front was that the battle for souls was not going well in Scotland. In the same week the bishops of England and Wales were also told that they must “grapple” with the “increasing tide of secularism”.

Apparently, the fight for the faith was not going any better in England and Wales than it was in Scotland. Of course, those of us who follow these stories know that we could add many more countries to this sad list of nations where the Catholic faith was being drowned out by you-name-it. In this real world war it is difficult to find a country where the armies of the Pope are advancing in victory.

The Pope specifically told the Scottish bishops: ”Pastors of the Church, therefore, must continually call the faithful to complete fidelity to the Church’s Magisterium, while at the same time upholding and defending the Church’s right to live freely in society according to her beliefs.” ( At this point one could go on for pages to explore how the post-conciliar Church through its Modernist-inspired documents, dissenting theologians, formerly “Catholic” Universities, gay-dominated seminaries and new-age religious communities, have certainly failed to maintain “complete fidelity to the Church’s Magisterium” as the Magisterium’s teachings were well settled and understood prior to Vatican II.)

Be that as it may, in his meeting with these failing ecclesiastical generals, Benedict showed his understandable displeasure by omitting the usual expressions of happy collegiality when he reminded the bishops of the link between the world’s dioceses and the seat of the Church’s authority in Rome – the See of Peter.

When Lincoln was frustrated by General McClellan’s failure to march his enormous army into battle, the President famously wrote the General: “Since you are not using your army right now, do you mind if I borrow it for a time?” Sounding a little like a frustrated President Lincoln speaking to a general who was not getting with the program, the Pope spoke of the connection each bishop has with the Successor of Peter as “the reality that lies at the heart of every Catholic diocese”. The Pope reminded the bishops that “pastoral initiatives that take due account of this essential dimension bring authentic renewal.” Translation: do not ignore the Pontifical Commander in Chief’s agenda and replace it with your own contrary programs.

Much has been written about the debate concerning the three options describing the authority of the Pope vis-à-vis the College of Bishops as debated with Lumen Gentium at the Second Vatican Council. In my book Cleansing Fire – Welcome to the New Spring Time, I have considered this topic in some detail (see pages 331-333). However, no one knows this controversy better than the former Father Joseph Ratzinger – a peritus or advisor with Modernists Hans Kung and Karl Rahner at Vatican II - long before he became Pope Benedict XVI.

Perhaps Pope Ratzinger now regrets the boulders he helped set in motion at the Council which tended to roll through and crush the well established and generally recognized authority of the Pope to control and reduce the mischief which dissenting theologians and bishops spread by disregarding the tradition-supporting leadership of Rome. But the real point here is that these same uncooperative bishops were appointed by either Pope John Paul II or Pope Benedict XVI himself – both enthusiastic supporters of Vatican II.

Unfortunately, these same bishops, confidently appointed by Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI, are obviously not leading the troops of the Church where their elected leader wants them to go. Just another “stern talking to” by the Pope will apparently not get these bishops to respect the Pope’s wishes. Perhaps the Pope should ask himself, then: WWLD –“what would Lincoln do?” If these bishops do not know how to fight for the faith by now – or if they haven’t the stomach for the fight in any case – why are they still in command in the field? The Church’s mission is now at stake. The eternal destination of the souls of future generations is at stake! The Holy Father has really one option – force some episcopal retirements.

Is the preservation of the faith in the 21st century worth the forced retirement of even a large number of bad bishops? If a corporation can close a plant and lay off a thousand hardworking men and women to preserve mere profit, why should not this Pope replace a thousand bad bishops with a thousand hand-picked faithful new ones to preserve the Catholic Church? In response to such poor performance or serious treachery by the notorious Bishops in any and every diocese throughout the world, the Pope can and must sacrifice collegiality for competence, treachery for Tradition, failure for faith.

On page 686 of my book Cleansing Fire - Welcome to the New Springtime, I even suggest the provisions of Canon Law that the Pope can cite to back him up when he makes the right choice to start printing episcopal pink slips by the gross. Perhaps he can even start a fast track training program for future bishops by admitting all of those good men denied entrance into the pathetic, heterodox seminaries run by the feminist nuns with the active gay agendas.

Lincoln would not hesitate to fire those dysfunctional subordinates who failed to do their job and all he had to do was win a war and save the union before the next election. What would he have done if he was fighting for the eternal life of his citizens? This Pope has tried to reason with his bishops and convince them to do the right thing for the Church. The time has come for this Pope to consider which bishops are really not on his side – and act accordingly!

Peter B. Kelly is an attorney and the author of the novel Cleansing Fire.

"It is through My voice-boxes throughout the world that We must send this warning of caution to all of Our cardinals and bishops.  The Father will not tolerate their entering into secret societies!  The discipline and rules set down by My Son and those He chose to write the Book of life and love must be adhered to. We direct, in the name of the Trinity, that you bishops and cardinals of the world must use your full powers as hierarchy to excommunicate and defrock all who seek to dethrone My Son and destroy the Faith!"  - Our Lady, August 21, 1974 

The amazing Bayside Prophecies...  https://www.tldm.org/Bayside/default.htm  
These messages came from Jesus, Mary, and the saints to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, NY, from 1968 to 1995.

"My child, you will be mocked for this message. You will be scorned by many, but you are bringing the truth.
     "The enemies within the Eternal City have opened the doors wide and allowed the enemies of God to enter. They consort with the devil.
     "You will cleanse your city. You will send out the traitors, excommunicate the wrongdoers who do not repent of their sin. What does it gain a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul? Your gathering in worldly wealth shall give you no passport to Heaven.
     "Come out of the darkness! The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. Cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop! All that is rotten shall fall. Blood shall flow in the streets--revolution upon revolution! Do you not know-have you learned nothing from the past history of mankind--that the Father will chastise those He loves?" - Our Lady,
September 27, 1975

"Children of the world, you have been given time to make amends for the sins and abominations committed by both clergy and lay peoples in the houses of God throughout your world. You will no longer defile the high Host of Heaven. The portals must be cleansed of all sin and abominations. You must excommunicate, as clergy, high clergy in Rome, all who seek to compromise the Faith, all who enter into a compromising agreement with the agents of satan who seek to control mankind and the world without their God. You shall not compromise your Faith; you will not save souls by compromise. You must now start to clean your house, for if you do not listen to this direction, you shall be cast out of the portals by the Son of God."  - St. Michael, November 1, 1975

"Pastors in the houses of your God, you must return from your wanderings and gather your straying sheep. Discipline must be returned. Holiness and piety must be returned. Heresy and heretics must be taken out of Rome! The power of excommunication must be used. You will cleanse the Eternal City now, or you will accept the sword!"  - St. Michael, December 27, 1975

"The Eternal City of Rome must now take action by those in rule, the cardinals and the bishops, to restore this city to the light. Those who seek to build a church of man must be removed by the power of excommunication given to those who rule as representatives in My houses, churches upon your earth.
     "As it was in the time of Noe, as it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrha, so shall it be upon your earth. Man shall be permitted to fall fast into the abyss. Why? Because he has hardened his heart and closed his ears to the truth. He has given himself to all manners of pleasures of the flesh. Sin has become a way of life in your country and in the countries throughout your earth.
     "The children of God, the candles upon earth, My child, shall suffer much persecution from the agents of darkness.
     "Man runs amiss, My child. He scatters the sheep. He seeks peace where there is no peace. He is going farther into darkness.
     "You shall not gather your flocks, My pastors, by compromising your Faith! You shall not gather the flocks for the Eternal Father in Heaven by giving yourselves to the world, by adopting humanism and modernism as your guide.
     "It is a simple lesson of faith that you must give to the children and to all in your care. As pastor you shall stand before Me and shall you say to Me that your teaching has been pure in My sight?  Amen I say unto you, I shall cast you from Me and send you into the abyss. As you sow, so shall you reap."  - Jesus,
December 31, 1975

"I, your God, command those who hold rank in My Church to remove the heretics; excommunicate those who accept themselves to join secret societies to demolish My Church. Do not compromise your Faith, My children, for there is only one direction you will proceed, and that is down."  - Jesus, September 14, 1976

"Beware of those who start a new church among you. A Roman Catholic Church must have a legally ordained Roman Catholic Bishop, and the Old Catholic Church is not with Rome. It is a schismatic organization, and all who join these interlopers shall gain immediate excommunication by Heaven and through the legal hierarchy of Rome. The Old Catholic Church is schismatic, and is not, and shall not use the name Roman Catholic Church. Later, My child, when you gain your strength, We will extend this message to mankind. For many shall come as angels of light and deceive the elect.
     "I ask you all not to abandon My Church. Do not judge My Church by the priest, for in his human nature he can err. But I assure you I am using him, as a legally ordained priest, to bring you My Body and Blood. Do not go seeking elsewhere, for you will lose your baptismal right, and you will no longer be accepted as a Roman Catholic, and you will not enter into the highest place of Heaven, the Kingdom of Paradise."  - Jesus,
October 6, 1980

"Pray, My children, for there is a great decision coming upon mankind. I cry bitter tears of remorse and anguish. It is not the wish of Heaven that there be a division in My Son's Church. Pray, My children.
     "The way back is very simple. O shepherds of Our flock, return to your teachings. Set aside your false pride, for pride will always come before the fall. It is a simple rule and lesson given to you by your prophets, the founding Fathers of My Son's Church, chosen by Him. Bring back these rules of discipline. Do not set upon the world this heavy cross of division in My Son's Church. Do not experiment. Cast out the heretics. Cast out the secret societies. Cast out from among you those who have given themselves to satan. Cast out with excommunication the heretics."  - Our Lady,
September 28, 1976

"My children, recognize the faces of evil now loosed in the world. I bring you a sad lesson in knowledge. In the past We have counseled through prophets, your Popes, to forbid all who have joined in My Son's Church, forbid them to become part of freemasonry and the Masons. And why? Because, My children, they are not of God; and if they are not of God, they are the Antichrist. And why are they the Antichrist? Because they worship false idols!
     "In the Commandments of your God you will remember: 'I,' said the Lord, 'I am your God; thou shalt not have strange gods before you.'  And who are these strange gods of masonry and witchcraft? Isis! My children, man has accepted gods of nature! Pagans you have become! You reject your God the Father; you reject the Trinity; and you have dabbled and burned your fingers in the unknown, the darkness of satanism."  - Our Lady,
November 1, 1977

Directives from Heaven...

D161 - The Great Apostasy PDF Logo PDF
D164 - Heresy
D184 - Church of Man,  Part 1   PDF Logo PDF
D185 - Church of Man,  Part 2  PDF Logo PDF
D186 - Excommunication   PDF Logo PDF


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"My children, My little humble children, I appeal to you as your Mother, go forward on foot, knock on the doors; bring the light to your brothers and sisters.  For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them." Our Lady of the Roses  May 26, 1976

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