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Is Radical Islam's War Against America
The Beginning of World War III? Part 2

Is Radical Islam’s War Against America the Beginning of World War III?  Part 2
The following are a list of topics covered in this outstanding McAlvany Intelligence Advisor report:

I. A Religion of Violence and Destruction: Militant Islam is on the March
II. The Rise of the Global Terrorist Network
III. Al Qaeda Sleeper Agents in America
IV. Al-Qaeda Obtaining Nuclear Weapons
V. The Pakistan-Al Qaeda Nuclear Connection
VI. The High and Growing Cost of Al-Qaeda’s Nuclear Weapons Program
VII. The Implications of Al Qaeda’s Nuclear Weapons Development and Deployment

McAlvany's intelligence on the items has insight found no place else.  To find out what is really happening in the Middle East this special report is a must read.  20 pages.

Islam's War Against America, Part 2
Qty: Price: $5.00

Veronica -  . . . Our Lady now is looking down sadly. And I see She's pointing now to what looks like a map. Oh, my!
     Now as I am watchingit's a map of... oh, I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a very dense darkness now settling upon those countries. Oh, my!
     And Our Lady is saying:
Our Lady - "The start of the Third World War, My child." - March 29, 1975  

Veronica - And I can see now Jesus and Our Lady are going high up into the sky, and there's forming directly over Our Lady's statue, high in the skyit is a cross, a very large cross. The handle, though, of a . . . daggerit looks like a dagger, a knife. It's a strange-looking dagger with a loop at the bottom, like. It's a symbol. And Jesus is nodding.
Jesus - "You will understand, My child, soon."
Veronica - Yes, it is a, like a saber. Gee, it, it's a very strange-looking, dagger-like saber, with a cross on a handle. Likeit's not the kind that you seeit looks almost like Arabian or something. I can't explain itlike a very strange-looking Arabic, or something. I don't know where I have seen that before, but it's a very odd-looking type of dagger-like sword, with a hook on the end of it, though. That's strange. Oh, now it's beginning to fade; I can't see it anymore. - December 24, 1979  

"Wars are a punishment for man's sins. Already your sons are being sent to be there with the invasion in the Mideast. Is this what you want, My children? Can you not give your prayers and acts of reparation for those who have no one to pray for them? They are all Our sheep and We wish that they would be gathered into a holy land. The word 'holy' strikes a chord of misery, My child; I have no way to explain but to tell you, misery." - Our Lady, May 25, 1983

Veronica - There is a great war ahead. It will coincide with the war in the Mideast. - February 17, 1974

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January 03, 2014


Other McAlvany Reports
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 1
Global Jihad: Lifting the Veil on Islam, Part 2
McAlvany - Coming Inflationary Depression
McAlvany - Hurricane Katrina Disaster
McAlvany -Islam's War Against America, Part 1 
McAlvany -Islam's War Against America, Part 2
McAlvany - Mad Cow Disease Report
McAlvany - Oil Shock 2004/05 Report
McAlvany - Real Estate Market Crash  
McAlvany - US Economy & Markets Down
McAlvany - Communism is Not Dead
McAlvany - American Hyperinflation
McAlvany - Identity Theft
McAlvany- Atomic Iran, Part 1
McAlvany- Atomic Iran, Part 2
McAlvany-2007 Year of Living Dangerously
McAlvany-The Coming Death of the Dollar
McAlvany - Massive Deflation or Inflation
McAlvany - "Living with the Greatest American Lie"
McAlvany - "Scary"

U.S. Financial System begins to Melt Down
McAlvany - The Decline of the Middle Class
World Plunge to the Political Left
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part I
Towards Financial Armageddon, Part II